Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: United Nations system coordination: Financial implications for the ILO

Record of decisions | 18 March 2014

Decision on the fourth item on the agenda: United Nations system coordination: Financial implications for the ILO

The Governing Body:

(a) decided that the financial contribution to the cost-sharing modality of the UN Resident Coordinator system, estimated at US$3,814,972 for 2014–15, be financed from:

(i) $0.820 million from unspent balances from one completed activity from the 2008–09 surplus;

(ii) $1.2 million from the RBTC allocations for 2014–15; and

(iii) subject to approval by the International Labour Conference, $1.01 million from the 1992–93 surplus and $0.820 million from revaluation gains realized from the 2000–01 surplus;

(b) instructed the Director-General to include in future programme and budget proposals provision for a continuing ILO financial contribution to the Resident Coordinator system; and

(c) proposed to the 103rd Session (June 2014) of the International Labour Conference that it adopt a resolution in the following terms:

The General Conference of the International Labour Organization,

Recalling its decisions at its 81st Session (June 1994) to finance an approved list of expenditure items from the 1992–93 cash surplus and its 90th Session (June 2002) to finance activities to be approved by the Governing Body at its 285th Session (November 2002),

Decides that an amount of $1.01 million from the 1992–93 surplus, as well an amount of $0.820 million from revaluation gains relating to the 2000–01 surplus, be used to partially finance the UN Resident Coordinator system during the biennium 2014–15.

(Document GB.320/PFA/4, paragraph 22, as amended by the Governing Body.)