Decision on the second item on the agenda: Agenda of the International Labour Conference

Record of decisions | 25 March 2013

Decision on the second item on the agenda: Agenda of the International Labour Conference

Proposals for the agenda of the 103rd Session (2014) and beyond of the Conference

A. Agenda of the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference

The Governing Body:

(a) decided to complete the agenda of the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference by selecting the following two items:

(i) supplementing the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), to address implementation gaps to advance prevention, protection and compensation measures, to effectively achieve the elimination of forced labour (standard setting, single discussion);

(ii) facilitating transitions from the informal to the formal economy (standard setting, double discussion);

(b) approved the programmes of reduced intervals for the preparatory stages of a single discussion and of a double discussion, as set out in the appendix to document GB.317/INS/2(Rev.).

(Document GB.317/INS/2(Rev.), paragraph 12, as amended.)

B. Agenda of the 104th Session (2015) of the International Labour Conference

As a result of the decision adopted by the Governing Body at its present session to include an item on the agenda of the 103rd Session (2014) of the International Labour Conference on “facilitating transitions from the informal to the formal economy” with a view to standard setting under the double discussion procedure, this item is also included on the agenda of the 104th Session (2015) of the Conference for a second discussion. It joins the recurrent discussion on the strategic objective of social protection (labour protection) which is already on the agenda under the recurrent discussion cycle.

The Governing Body decided to defer to its 319th Session (October 2013) the adoption of a decision completing the agenda of the 104th Session (2015) of the Conference

(Document GB.317/INS/2(Rev.), paragraph 17, as amended.)