Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Report of the Officers of the Governing Body. Meeting of Experts on Forced Labour and Trafficking for Labour Exploitation (Geneva, 11–15 February 2013)

Record of decisions | 16 November 2012

Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Report of the Officers of the Governing Body

Meeting of Experts on Forced Labour and Trafficking for Labour Exploitation (Geneva, 11–15 February 2013)


On the recommendation of its Officers, the Governing Body approved the composition formula for this Meeting of eight experts nominated after consultations with Government, eight experts nominated after consultations with the Employers’ group and eight experts nominated after consultations with the Workers’ group.

The Governing Body noted that, in order to obtain the government nominations, the Director-General intended, after consultation with the Regional Coordinators, to approach the governments of eight countries. A reserve list would also be established which would include the governments of eight other countries.

(Document GB.316/INS/15/4, paragraph 7.)


On the recommendation of its Officers, the Governing Body approved the agenda of the Meeting, which was to formulate recommendations to the Governing Body as to whether there was scope for standard setting to complement the ILO’s Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29), and the Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105). The topics to be covered have been identified in the Framework for Action, namely: (i) prevention of forced labour; (ii) victim protection, including compensation; and (iii) human trafficking for labour exploitation. .

(Document GB.316/INS/15/4, paragraph 9.)

Invitation of intergovernmental organizations

On the recommendation of its Officers, the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following intergovernmental organizations to be represented at the Meeting as observers:

  • § Council of Europe;
  • § International Organization of Migration (IOM);
  • § Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR); and
  • § United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

(Document GB.316/INS/15/4, paragraph 11.)

Invitation of non-governmental organizations

On the recommendation of its Officers, the Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following non-governmental organizations to be represented at the Meeting as observers:

  • § Anti-Slavery International (ASI); and
  • § Global Alliance against Traffic in Women (GAATW).

(Document GB.316/INS/15/4, paragraph 13.)