Decision on the 14th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General

Record of decisions | 14 November 2012

Decision on the 14th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General


Mr Arnaldo Lopes Sussekind

Mr Thabo Makeka

Pak Djimanto

Mr Tom Diju Owuor

Ms Anna Da Conceição Pedro Garcia

The Governing Body invited the Director-General to convey its condolences to the Government of Brazil and to the family of Mr Arnaldo Lopes Sussekind; to the President of the Association of Lesotho Employers and to the family of Mr Thabo Makeka; to the President of APINDO and the family of Pak Djimanto; to the Federation of Kenya Employers and to the family of Mr Tom Diju Owuor; and to the SNIMCMA and to the family of Ms Anna Da Conceição Pedro Garcia.

(Documents GB.316/INS/14, paragraphs 6, 12 and 16; and GB.316/INS/14(Add.2), paragraphs 5 and 9.)

Membership of the Organization, progress in international labour legislation, and internal administration

The Governing Body took note of the information provided.

(Documents GB.316/INS/14 and GB.316/INS/14(Add.).)