Outcome of the discussions held on the tenth item on the agenda: ILO technical cooperation and Decent Work Country Programmes, 2009–10

Record of decisions | 10 November 2011

Outcome of the discussion held on the tenth item on the agenda: ILO technical cooperation and Decent Work Country Programmes, 2009–10

The Governing Body took note of the paper and invited the Office to take into account the views expressed during its discussion, including the need to expand South–South and triangular cooperation, public–private partnerships and local resource mobilization; the need to outline efforts to ensure a more equitable resource distribution between outcomes, to provide more information on results achieved in the regions, to refine the result indicators, and to set out points for debate and decision; and the importance of engaging in better communication with donors on the implementation of projects and involving constituents in evaluations.

(Document GB.312/POL/10)