Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General - First Supplementary Report: Documents submitted for information only

Record of decisions | 08 November 2011

Decision on the 15th item on the agenda: Report of the Director-General

* Programme of meetings for the remainder of 2011 and for 2012–13

(Document GB.312/INF/1)

* Approved symposia, seminars, workshops and similar meetings

(Document GB.312/INF/2)

* Requests from international non-governmental organizations wishing to be represented at the 101st Session (2012) of the International Labour Conference

(Document GB.312/INF/3)

Measuring decent work: Gateway to the findings of the ILO supervisory bodies on the application of fundamental principles and rights at work

(Document GB.312/INS/INF/1)

Update on the high-level tripartite mission to the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

(Document GB.312/INS/INF/2)

Final report of the Global Dialogue Forum on New Developments and Challenges in the Hospitality and Tourism Sector and their Impact on Employment, Human Resources Development and Industrial Relations (Geneva, 23–24 November 2010)

(Document GB.312/POL/INF/1)

Voluntary contributions and gifts

(Document GB.312/PFA/INF/1)

Overview of ILO accommodation

(Document GB.312/PFA/INF/2)

Financial questions relating to the International Institute for Labour Studies

(Document GB.312/PFA/INF/3)

Progress report on the implementation of the interim plan of action for the
standards-related strategy

(Document GB.312/LILS/INF/1)

Follow-up to the 2011 Conference resolution concerning gender equality and the use of language in legal texts of the ILO

(Document GB.312/LILS/INF/2)

The Governing Body took note of this information.

(Document GB.312/INS/15/1, paragraph 4)

* Subject to approval by the Officers of the Governing Body.