Decision on the second item on the agenda: Agenda of the International Labour Conference

Record of decisions | 10 January 2008

(b) Proposals for the agenda of the 99th Session (2010) of the Conference

The Governing Body decided:

(a) that the following proposals would be examined in greater depth, if possible for decision, at its 301st Session (March 2008):

  • (i) decent work in global supply chains (general discussion);
  • (ii) social finance: microfinance for decent work (general discussion);
  • (iii) the right to information and consultation in the framework of economic restructuring (general discussion);
  • (iv) decent work for domestic workers (standard setting);

(b) that research work and consultation should be accelerated for future Conferences on the following items:

  • (i) protection of children and young workers;
  • (ii) working time;
  • (iii) occupational safety and health;
  • (iv) export processing zones;
  • (v)  new trends in the prevention and resolution of industrial disputes;

(c) that the Office would develop new proposals taking into account the suggestions made during the discussion.

(GB.300/2/2, paragraph 11.)