Decision on the 20th item on the agenda: Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body. Arrangements for the 17th American Regional Meeting

Record of decisions | 18 November 2010

Arrangements for the 17th American Regional Meeting

The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the agenda of the 17th American Regional Meeting, which would be to examine, on the basis of the Director-General’s two-volume report, the progress made by the countries of the region towards achieving the objectives established by the Hemispheric Agenda for Decent Work four years ago, and to examine the advances of the hemispheric policies that give priority to promoting good-quality employment; and confirmed that arrangements made for the holding of this Regional Meeting set out in document GB.309/20/2, that is, that the Meeting would be held in Santiago de Chile from 14 to 17 December 2010, that the official languages of the Meeting would be English and Spanish and, as for previous American Regional Meetings, and after consultation with the Officers of the Governing Body, the Governments of Portugal and Spain had been invited to be represented as observers at the Meeting and that, in addition to the intergovernmental organizations for which invitations were submitted to the Governing Body at its 308th Session (June 2010), the Secretaria General Iberoamericana (Ibero-Amercian Secretariat) had been invited to be represented at the Meeting as an observer.

(Document GB.309/20/2, paragraph 7.)