Decision on the eighth item on the agenda: Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

Record of decisions | 23 June 2010

Joint ILO/WHO Tripartite Working Party of Experts on Occupational Health and HIV/AIDS for Health Services Workers
(Geneva, 6–9 July 2010)


The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the proposed composition formula for this Working Party, composed of three Employer and three Worker representatives, nominated after consultation with the Employers’ and Workers’ groups of the Governing Body, as well as by up to ten representatives of governments and independent experts nominated further to the recommendation of the WHO.

(GB.308/8, paragraph 4)


The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the mandate proposed for this Working Party, to include the tripartite validation and further development of workplace friendly tools based on the new joint guidelines on improving health worker access to prevention and treatment services for HIV and TB. This process would begin as soon as possible through the convening of a meeting of the Working Party to review and validate the new guidelines. The joint Working Party would review the draft global framework for national occupational health and safety programmes for health workers and would further develop strategies and tools for implementing the framework. Once the guidelines and framework were finalized, the Working Party would also have the ongoing mandate to develop joint strategies for the funding and implementation of additional occupational health tools to promote health workers’ safety and health, with an emphasis on projects relating to the prevention and treatment of HIV and TB.

(GB.308/8, paragraph 8)

Global Dialogue Forum on Vocational Education and Training
(Geneva, 29–30 September 2010)


The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the composition formula proposed for this Global Dialogue Forum, which would be attended by five government/public sector employers’ representatives, nominated by governments of member States further to the recommendation of the Governing Body regional coordinators, five private sector employers’ representatives and five workers’ representatives, nominated after consultation with the Employers’ and Workers’ groups of the Governing Body. Other interested representatives of the three groups should also be invited to attend at their own cost.

(GB.308/8, paragraph 10)

Invitation of an international non-governmental organization

The Governing Body noted that the Director-General intended to invite Education International to be represented at the Forum as an observer.

17th American Regional Meeting
(Santiago, Chile, 14–17 December 2010)

Invitation of intergovernmental organizations

The Governing Body noted that the Director-General intended to invite the following intergovernmental organizations to be represented at the Meeting as observers:

– Andean Community of Nations (CAN);

– Andean Development Corporation (CAF);

– Andean Presidential Council, Lima;

– Caribbean Community (CARICOM);

– Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC);

– Food and Agriculture Organization for the United Nations (FAO);

– International Social Security Association (AISS);

– Inter-American Center for Social Security Studies (CIESS);

– Inter-American Development Bank (IDB);

– Inter-American Indian Institute (IAII);

– International Maritime Organization (IMO);

– International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD);

– International Monetary Fund (IMF);

– Latin American Economic System (SELA);

– Latin American Integration Association (LAIA);

– Latin American Parliament (PARLATINO);

– Latin American Reserve Fund (FLAR);

– Organization of American States (OAS);

– Permanent Secretariat of the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration (SIECA);

– Simón Rodríguez Agreement (CSR);

– Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR);

– United Nations Development Programme (UNDP);

– United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD);

– United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO);

– United Nations Organization;

– World Bank.

(GB.308/8, paragraph 11)

Invitation of international non-governmental organizations

The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, authorized the Director-General to invite the following intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations to be represented at the Meeting as observers:

– Caribbean Congress of Labour, Barbados;

– Caribbean Employers’ Confederation, Port-of-Spain;

– Latin American Industrialists’ Association, Montevideo;

– Latin American Central of Workers;

– Permanent Congress of Trade Union Unity of Latin American Workers.

(GB.308/8, paragraph 13)

The Business of Representing Employers: Trends
(Geneva, 14–15 April 2011)


The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the composition formula proposed for this Meeting, which would be attended by representatives of 22 employers’ organizations from both industrialized and developing countries in Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific, Europe and the Arab region, nominated after consultation with the Employers’ group of the Governing Body.

(GB.308/8, paragraph 15)


The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, approved the following agenda proposed for this meeting:

(a) how employers’ organizations are responding to a changing environment and changing demands from membership;

(b) the current value proposition of national employer organizations, and potential drivers of change in the next five years;

(c) the kinds of organizations business will need in the coming years.

(GB.308/8, paragraph 17)

Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

New appointments

The Governing Body, on the recommendation of its Officers, appointed Professor James Brudney (United States) and Professor Elena Machilskaya (Russian Federation) as members of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations for a period of three years.

(GB.308/8(Add.), paragraph 1)