Date and agenda of the International Labour Conference Proposals for the agenda of the 100th Session (2011) of the Conference

Record of decisions | 14 April 2009

Proposals for the agenda of the 100th Session (2011) of the Conference

Proposals for the agenda of future sessions
of the Conference

The Governing Body:

(a) examined the proposals for the agenda of the International Labour Conference as follows:

– For the 100th Session (2011):

(i) a recurrent discussion on labour protection or social security;

(ii) decent work in global supply chains (general discussion);

(iii) social finance: microfinance for decent work (general discussion);

(iv) flexicurity as a tool facilitating adaptation to changes in the globalized economy (general discussion);

(v) youth entrepreneurship: transforming jobseekers into job creators (general discussion);

(vi) the right to information and consultation in the framework of economic restructuring (general discussion).

– For future sessions:

(i) export processing zones: possibility of a general discussion;

(ii) new trends in the prevention and resolution of industrial disputes: possibility of a general discussion (taking into consideration the conclusions of the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards);

(iii) the role of the workplace in providing access to prevention, treatment, care and support for HIV/AIDS.

(b) Decided that the proposals to be examined in greater depth at its 304th Session (March 2009), in order to finalize the agenda of the 100th Session (2011) of the International Labour Conference, should be the following:

(i) a recurrent discussion on social security;

(ii) decent work in global supply chains (general discussion);

(iii) youth entrepreneurship: transforming jobseekers into job creators (general discussion);

(iv) the right to information and consultation in the framework of economic restructuring (general discussion).

(c) Decided that the proposals for which research work and consultation might be accelerated for future Conferences should be the following:

(i) export processing zones (general discussion or for standard-setting);

(ii) new trends in the prevention and resolution of industrial disputes: possibility of a general discussion (taking into consideration the conclusions of the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards).

(Document GB.302/3/2, paragraph 14.)