
Decision concerning the ILO disability inclusion policy and strategy

Record of decisions | 12 November 2020
The Governing Body:

(a) requested the Director-General to finalize and implement the ILO policy on disability inclusion set out in the appendix to document GB.340/INS/9, taking into account the guidance provided during the discussion;

(b) instructed the Office to put in place multiannual strategies to implement the ILO policy on disability inclusion, beginning in 2020–23, in the light of the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy;

(c) instructed the Office to conduct monitoring that coincides with the reporting period for the implementation of the accountability framework established by the United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy, and to provide to the Governing Body a report for information, on a biennial basis, starting in its 346th Session, on progress and areas for improvement, including a summary of the annual reporting to the UN on its implementation of United Nations Disability Inclusion Strategy; and

(d) requested the Director-General to pursue the ILO’s mandate to promote disability inclusion in the implementation of current and future ILO strategic plans and corresponding programmes and budgets, and to facilitate extrabudgetary resources, taking into consideration the guidance provided during the discussion.

(GB.340/INS/9, paragraph 9, as amended by the Governing Body)