
Decision concerning the report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Lesotho of the Minimum Wage-Fixing Machinery Convention, 1928 (No. 26)

Record of decisions | 11 November 2020

In the light of the conclusions set out in paragraphs 19, 23 and 24 of document GB.340/INS/18/8 with regard to the matters raised in the representation, and taking into consideration the recommendations of the Committee, the Governing Body decided to:

(a) approve the report contained in document GB.340/INS/18/8;

(b) invite the parties to avail themselves of ILO technical assistance over the next 12 months, building on the assistance provided in the late 1990s and more recently in 2012–13, with a view to further supporting the participation of the social partners in, and the effective functioning of, the minimum wage-fixing machinery in the country;

(c) invite the Government to send in its next report to the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations information related to its conclusions; and

(d) make the report of the Committee publicly available and close the procedure initiated by the representation.

(GB.340/INS/18/8, paragraph 25)