GB.340/INS/8 (Rev.1)

Report of the 14th African Regional Meeting (Abidjan, 3–6 December 2019)

This document contains the final report of the 14th African Regional Meeting, which was held in Abidjan, from 3 to 6 December 2019. Appendix I contains the conclusions of the Meeting – Abidjan Declaration. Advancing Social Justice: Shaping the Future of work in Africa – Appendix II contains the report of the Credentials Committee and Appendix III contains the implementation plan supplementing the Abidjan Declaration. The Governing Body is invited to consider the draft decision in paragraph 232. In version "Rev.1" of 14 October 2020, the draft decision has been corrected and the implementation plan supplementing the Abidjan Declaration has been inserted as Appendix III.

Meeting document | 14 October 2020