335th Session of the ILO Governing Body

Decision concerning the Composition and structure of the ILO staff

Record of decisions | Institutional Section | 29 March 2019
The Governing Body:

(a) requested the Office to present to the Governing Body at its 337th Session (October–November 2019), a comprehensive and time-bound action plan for improving gender and geographical diversity and ensuring that the necessary breadth of skills and experience of ILO staff, which included experience relevant to the three constituent groups, was taken into account, to effectively deliver on the mandate of the Organization. It should particularly indicate the measures to be taken to ensure representation of the unrepresented and under-represented countries. The subsequent report should also indicate the gender and geographical distribution of regular staff by category and grade to facilitate the evaluation of the established targets of the Human Resources Strategy; and

(b) encouraged the Office to widely disseminate job postings to constituents so as to encourage a wide pool of applicants.

(GB.335/PFA/11, paragraph 6, as amended by the Governing Body.)