Decision on the agenda of future sessions of the International Labour Conference

Record of decisions | 09 November 2018

The Governing Body:

(a) decided to place on the agenda of the 109th Session of the Conference (2020) an item related to inequalities and the world of work (general discussion);

(b) decided to place on the agenda of the 110th Session of the Conference (2021) an item related to Apprenticeships (standard setting);

(c) decided to place on the agenda of the 109th Session of the Conference (2020) an item on the abrogation of Conventions Nos 8, 9, 16, 53, 73, 74, 91 and 145 and the withdrawal of Conventions Nos 7, 54, 57, 72, 76, 93, 109, 179 and 180 as well as of Recommendations Nos 27, 49, 107, 137, 139, 153, 154, 174, 186 and 187;

(d) decided to place on the agenda of the 111th Session of the Conference (2022) an item on the withdrawal of Recommendation No. 20;

(e) decided to place on the agenda of the 113th Session of the Conference (2024) an item on the abrogation of Conventions Nos 45, 62, 63 and 85;

(f) decided to place on the agenda of the 109th Session of the Conference (2020) at least one further technical item by its 335th Session (March 2019); and

(g) provided guidance in relation to the setting of the Conference agenda beyond 2020 both as regards the strategic approach and the subjects under consideration, in particular as to the 110th Session of the Conference (2021).

(GB.334/INS/2/1, paragraph 31, as amended by the Governing Body.)