What's new

  1. Practical guide

    How to organize my job search? A step-by-step guide for job seekers and those who support them

    23 November 2021

    This guide explains how to define an effective job search strategy. It helps you understand the job market, define your targets, create your communication tools and media, use the internet, and ultimately, successfully integrate into the new company. Intended for autonomous job seekers, it can also be used as a support tool by counsellors at employment agencies around the world.

  2. Podcast series: Global challenges – Global solutions

    In the uneven recovery from the COVID-19 jobs crisis, women are being left behind

    22 November 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the world of work. A new ILO brief shows that the crisis in labour markets has had an uneven impact on women. In this podcast, Valeria Esquivel, Employment Policies and Gender specialist in the Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch of the ILO’s Employment Policy Department analyses the current challenges and what can be done to address them.

  3. Policy brief

    An uneven and gender-unequal COVID-19 recovery: Update on gender and employment trends 2021

    26 October 2021

    The COVID-19 crisis caused unprecedented job losses, hitting women the hardest, particularly in middle-income countries. The COVID-19 recovery is proving both uneven and gender-unequal, as women’s employment recovery is lagging behind men’s.

  4. Video

    Employment Policy Gateway: For accessing national employment policies, and youth employment strategies

    19 October 2021

    This video presents the ILO Employment Policy Gateway, a unique worldwide reference and source of information on national employment policies, and strategies to promote youth employment.

  5. Employment policy

    ILO launches new online database on employment policies and strategies to promote an inclusive job-rich recovery

    19 October 2021

    The online platform will serve as a unique worldwide reference and source of information on national employment policies, and strategies to promote youth employment.

  6. Report

    Part I: Two decades of national employment policies 2000-2020

    13 October 2021

    Employment policy design: Lessons from the past, policies for the future

  7. Publication

    Towards decent work for young refugees and host communities in the digital platform economy in Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Egypt

    12 August 2021

    This report explores job creation in the gig economy from the unique experiences and perspectives of youth and refugees, as well as from the viewpoint of digital labour and e-commerce platforms, digital training providers, start-up incubators, social partners, and policymakers.

  8. Toolkit

    Setting up effective Job Centres in developing countries with reference to sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East and North Africa Regions

    30 July 2021

    This toolkit is part of a package of guidelines and tools comprising a research paper on trends and developments in employment services in the regions and guidelines on setting up effective job centres developed in collaboration with GIZ Youmatch Programme.

  9. Policy Brief

    Building Forward Fairer: Women’s rights to work and at work at the core of the COVID-19 recovery

    19 July 2021

    This policy brief provides an outlook of where women stand in the labour market after more than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic.

  10. Policy note

    Public Employment Services pressing ahead with digitalization should be aware of the digital divide

    30 June 2021

    The internet is becoming a key resource for job seekers, entrepreneurs or those looking to make a career change. The digitalization of public employment services (PES) has accelerated in response to the COVID-19 crisis. To ensure they remain inclusive, PES should beware of the barriers limiting access to clients with low digital literacy and pinpoint solutions for making services easy to access, safe and as intuitive as possible.