SKILLS Working Papers (2001-2005)

Resource list | 22 February 2010

22. National qualifications frameworks: their feasibility for effective implementation in developing countries - Michael Young

21. Recognition of prior learning policy and practice for skills learned at work : Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, United States - Chloe Dyson and Jack Keating

20. Statistics on investment in training: an assessment of data available and cross-country comparability - Regina M. A. A. Galhardi and Nicholas Mangozho

19. Youth at risk: The role of skills development in facilitating the transition to work - Laura Brewer

18. Statistics on investment in training: an assessment of their availability - Regina M.A.A. Galhardi

17. Public-private partnerships in employment services - Jean-Paul Barbier, Ellen Hansen, Alexander Samorodov

15. Lifelong learning: potential and constraints with special reference to policies in the United Kingdom and Europe - Paul Ryan

14. The right to decent work of persons with disabilities - Arthur O’Reilly

13. Current practices in labour market information systems development for human resources development planning in developed, developing and transition economies - Nicholas Mangozho

12. Financing training: innovative approaches in Latin America - Regina M. A. A. Galhardi

11. Training for work in the informal sector: new evidence from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - Hans Christiaan Haan

10. Informal sector training in Jamaica: an assessment - Andrea M. Miller Stennett

9. Training and skills acquisition in the informal sector: a literature review - Marjo-Riita Liimatainen

8. Training and skill formation for decent work in the informal sector: case studies from South India - Amit Mitra

6. Training policies and programmes: learning and training for high performance in Asia and the Pacific - Torkel Alfthan, Trevor Riordan

4. Modernization in vocational education and training in the Latin American and the Caribbean Region - IFP/SKILLS (in Spanish) - Programa InFocus sobre Conocimientos Teóricos y Prácticos y Empleabilidad

3. Youth business international: bridging the gap between unemployment and self-employment for disadvantaged youth - Rachel Chambers, Richard Street

2. Youth employment in Egypt - Willem van Eekelen, Loretta de Luca, Magwa Ismail

1. Enterprise-based youth employment policies, strategies and programmes: initiatives for the development of enterprise action and strategies - Simon White, Peter Kenyon