Employment Impact Assessment of Public Policies in Selected Sectors (EmpIA)

This component of the joint EU-ILO project "Strengthening the Impact on Employment of Sector and Trade Policies (STRENGTHEN)" focuses on building global knowledge and knowledge products as well as supporting and building capacity among partner countries and development practitioners in analysing and designing policies and programmes which would enhance the positive impact and employment of sector policies and programmes.  The global products review both methodologies as well as current knowledge about the relationship between employment and investment in different sectors.

The project works on the employment impacts of sector policies in five partner countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras and Rwanda. Ghana and Guatemala are also partner countries for the Trade Policies component of the project. The Sector Policies component works on policies related to Infrastructure, Agriculture, Rural Development and Energy but the (sub) sectors on which the assessments are done have been decided upon together with the partner countries and, generally have a strong focus on public investments and investment-related policies related to these sectors.

Global Studies

Various global studies form part of the project. One set of studies will review and present different approaches and methodologies for conducting Employment Impact Assessments. The other set of studies will focus on different (sub) sectors and will review how different policies and investments, can impact on job creation or improving the quality of employment.

  1. Infrastructure
  2. Agriculture
  3. Rural development
  4. Energy

Partner Countries

The country level work started in June 2015 and local project teams or working groups have been established in all countries. These consist of the ILO social partners, as well as relevant ministries and government agencies. These structures work together with the ILO team to identify the most relevant (sub) sectors and policies on which to focus. These teams are also closely involved in the developing the approach to capacity building activities, and identifying participants. Information about, events and publications linked to the five countries can be found below.

  1. Cote d’Ivoire
  2. Ghana
  3. Guatemala
  4. Honduras
  5. Rwanda
For more information about the work on employment and sector policies, please contact:

Mr. Maikel Lieuw-Kie-Song
Employment Impacts of Sectoral Policies
Employment Intensive Investment Programme
International Labour Office, Geneva
E-mail: lieuw-kie-song@ilo.org