How market systems development strengthens productivity ecosystems

Improving worker employability and productivity in Peru's forestry sector

The ILO’s Productivity Ecosystems constitutes a systemic approach to identifying and strengthening key productivity drivers and promoting their positive linkages to decent work and economic growth in a given context. This case study is part of a broader series that seeks to shed light on key drivers of inclusive productivity growth and to showcase how the ILO has helped strengthen those drivers. Concrete examples are presented of how the ILO facilitated or promoted change that led to positive impact on productivity and decent work, especially for MSMEs.
This case study zooms in on the sector-level and discusses how the ILO’s Market Systems Development for Decent Work approach provides an effective approach to strengthening productivity drivers and working conditions in key sectors. Drawing on a case study of market systems development (MSD) interventions in Peru’s forestry sector, both at the meso-level and at the macro-level, this document outlines how MSD can strengthen sector-level productivity drivers in a sustainable and scalable manner.