Enabling ecosystem for WED

ILO-WED seeks to promote a policy and regulatory environment that supports the creation and growth of women owned and women led enterprises. Through the Women’s Entrepreneurship Development (WED) Assessment, ILO-WED seeks to assess six “framework conditions” that are essential to strengthening ecosystems for women’s entrepreneurship development including: (1) legal and regulatory systems, (2) policy frameworks, (3) gender-sensitive financial services and (4) business development support services, (5) access to markets and technology, and (6) representation of women entrepreneurs in policy dialogue.

The original guide, 'Assessing the Enabling Environment for Women in Growth Enterprises' was developed and promoted jointly by the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) and a series of assessments were undertaken in Eastern Africa as well as one in Cameroun. The WED assessment methodology was revised by the ILO in 2008 (Simon White) and a new version was established in September 2012.


  1. Evaluación de las condiciones marco para el desarrollo empresarial de la mujer

  2. Las mujeres en el desarrollo empresarial - Honduras

  3. Evaluación Nacional del Desarrollo de la Iniciativa Empresarial de la Mujer (WED) – Chile

  4. Informe de Diagnóstico WED Uruguay

  5. Las mujeres en la gestión y desarrollo empresarial – Costa Rica/ Women in Business and Entrepreneurship Development – Costa Rica

  6. Women's entrepreneurship development assessment: Jamaica

  7. Sectoral Assessment of Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in the Agriculture and Renewable Energy Sectors in Somalia

  8. National assessment of women's entrepreneurship development in Myanmar

  9. Women's Entrepreneurship Development in Uganda: Insights and Recommendations

  10. Women's Entrepreneurship Development in Tanzania: Insights and Recommendations

  11. A National Assessment of Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in Egypt

  12. A National Assessment of Women’s Entrepreneurship Development in Tunisia/ Évaluation nationale du développement de l’entrepreneuriat féminin- Tunisie

  13. Identification de sous-secteurs et filières favorables au Développement de l’Entrepreneuriat des Femmes – Maroc

  14. Évaluation nationale du développement de l’entrepreneuriat féminin en Algérie

  15. Identification de sous-secteurs et filières favorables au Développement de l’Entrepreneuriat des Femmes – Algérie

  16. Evaluation du dévelopment de l’entrepreneuriat féminin au Maroc/ Assessment of the situation for women’s entrepreneurship development in Morocco