Las mujeres en el desarrollo empresarial - Honduras

The WED Assessment for Honduras addresses a key dimension for the economic empowerment of women in Honduras: their role in business development, focusing the analysis on their situation as entrepreneurs and businesswomen and to what extent the country offers the necessary conditions for women’s entrepreneurship development. It is based on the application of a standardized methodology of the International Labor Organization’s : Women's Entrepreneurship Development (WED) programme, which analyzes six framework conditions and, within each one, a series of sub conditions that favor or hinder the entrepreneurship of women in a country. The initiative to undertake a WED assessment arises from the Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Tegucigalpa (CCIT) and the Gender Committee for Sustainable Businesses of the Honduran Council of Private Enterprise (COHEP) with the objective of gathering relevant information for the design and implementation of public policies and actions in favor of women's entrepreneurship.