Market systems and value chain analysis



Read: Market Systems Analysis for Decent Work: A User-friendly Guide
The Lab has put together this note to provide short and jargon-freestep-by-step guidance on how to carry out the end-to-end process of a market systems analysis.


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Market Assessment in Cameroon - summary report


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Market Systems Analysis in Djibouti - summary report

Dominican Republic

Focus value chains(s): Bananas
Decent work objective: Worker incomes
Partner: Fairtrade Foundation
Read: Creating shared value in the Dominican Republic banana industry


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Market Systems Analysis for Syrian Refugees in Egypt - Full report and Summary report


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Market Systems Analysis for Refugee Livelihoods in Jigjiga - Ethiopia


Focus value chains(s): Vegetable and fruit
Decent work objective: Export diversification
Partner: Ministry of Business
Read: Guyana: On its way to high value markets


Focus value chains(s): Tea
Decent work objective: Working conditions
Partner: Fairtrade Foundation
Read: Improving conditions in tea plantations in Assam


Focus value chains(s): Migrants and refugees
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Doing business in Dadaab, Kenya


Focus value chains(s): Winter tourism
Decent work objective: Employment generation
Partner: SECO
Read: Responsible Winter Tourism in Kyrgyzstan


Focus value chains(s): Horticulture
Decent work objective: Decent work creation
Partner: ILO
Read: Unlocking Opportunities for decent job creation in Lebanon's horticulture sector - Full report and Synthesis report


Focus value chains(s): Tourism
Decent work objective: SME competitiveness
Partner: Ministries of Labour and Tourism
Read: Analysis of the tourism market system in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico (in Spanish)


Focus value chains(s): Youth employment
Decent work objective: Decent work
Partner: ILO
Read: Youth Employment: A Systems Analysis for Moldova’s Decent Work Country Programme 2021-2024


Focus value chains(s): Safety and security at work
Decent work objective: Decent work
Partner: ILO
Read: Safety and Security at Work: A Systems Analysis for Moldova’s Decent Work Country Programme 2021-2024


Focus value chains(s): Honey
Decent work objective: SME growth
Partner: British Embassy Chisinau
Read: Sweetening the potential for decent work. A market systems analysis of the honey sector in the Republic of Moldova


Focus value chains(s): Fruits
Decent work objective: SME growth
Partner: British Embassy Chisinau
Read: Synergy of growth and employment opportunities. A market systems analysis of the berry sector in the Republic of Moldova


Focus value chains(s): Construction
Decent work objective: SME growth
Partner: Sida
Read: Towards the Inclusion of SMEs in Mozambique's New Economy


Focus value chains(s): Construction
Decent work objective: Job creation, green enterprises, women economic empowerment
Partner: Moztrabalha (ILO)
Read: Building Decent Work for All, A Market System Analysis of the construction materials sector in Mozambique


Focus value chains(s): Cashew processing
Decent work objective: SME growth, women economic empowerment
Partner: Moztrabalha (ILO)
Read: Decent Work, a tough nut to crack? A Market System Analysis of the cashew processing industry in Mozambique


Focus value chains(s): Restaurants and catering
Decent work objective: SME growth, skills development, women economic empowerment
Partner: Moztrabalha (ILO)
Read: Decent work, a recipe for growth: A Market System Analysis of the restaurants and catering sector in Mozambique


Focus value chains(s): Tea 
Decent work objective: Job creation
Read: Brewing opportunity - A market systems analysis of the tea sector in Southern Shan State, Myanmar


Focus value chains(s): Tourism 
Decent work objective: Job creation
Read: Getting ahead of the curve: finding opportunities in a fast-changing market - a market systems analysis of the tourism sector in Southern Shan State, Myanmar


Focus value chains(s): Macadamia Nuts
Decent work objective: MSME Development
Partner: SECO and NORAD
Read: Macadamia Market Systems Analysis: Shan State, Myanmar


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Market Systems Analysis for Afghan Refugees in Pakistan


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Analysis of market systems in Niger (in french)


Focus value chains(s): Construction
Decent work objective: Working conditions
Partner: Habitat for Humanity
Read: Decent work and adequate housing for households at the base of the pyramid


Focus value chains(s): Quinoa
Decent work objective: Smallholder incomes
Partner: UN Joint Programme on Andean Grains
Read: Value chain analysis in Peru’s quinoa sector


Focus value chains(s): Construction
Decent work objective: Working conditions
Partner: Sida
Read: Laying a foundation for better working conditions


Focus value chains(s): Garment and textiles
Decent work objective: Working conditions
Partner: Sida
Read: Weaving better working conditions into Rwanda's garment industry


Focus value chains(s): Horticulture
Decent work objective: More and better jobs and the environment
Partner: ILO Green Jobs Programme
Read: Market Systems Development and a Just Transition: Learinings from an ILO experience in Tanzania


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: MMarket Assessment in Tunisia - Summary report

Vietnam and Indonesia

Focus value chains(s): Garment and textiles
Decent work objective: Working conditions
Partner: Sida
Read: From Obligation to Opportunity - A market systems analysis of working conditions in Asia’s garment export industry


Focus value chains(s): Construction
Decent work objective: Working conditions
Partner: Green Jobs Zambia
Read: Good Working Conditions, Good Business? An analysis of Zambia’s building construction market system


Focus value chains(s): Refugee livelihoods
Decent work objective: Employment creation
Partner: ILO, UNHCR
Read: Market Assessment and Value Chain Analysis for Former Refugees in Zambia - Full report and Summary report

Are you interested to learn more on Market systems analysis ?

Value Chain Development for Decent Work: How to create employment and improve working conditions in targeted sectors   Getting better at understanding how market systems work                       
Can we create better jobs in Africa's booming construction sector ? Looking to market systems analysis to point us in the right direction    From paper to practice
Accelerating tourism’s impact on jobs   Getting Beyond Tier 1: using a systems approach to improve working conditions in global supply chains