Financiera Confianza - Peru

Project documentation | 30 December 2015

MFI Information:

Financiera Confianza

Decent Work Area:

Vulnerability, risk management and overindebtedness


Financiera Confianza implemented a combination of financial and non-financial services. The innovation consisted of risk management training for clients as well as a voluntary multi-risk insurance product both of which were to help clients protect against unforeseen expenses.


Some positive impact on multiple borrowing/overindebtedness
  • 28% lower outstanding loan balances, and number of other financial service providers used
Positive income effect of 450-500 Soles (170-190 USD)

No impact of financial education on insurance uptake (not significant)

Counter-intuitive results:
  • Significant negative impact vulnerability as fewer clients can meet unexpected expenses (36%) and cover monthly costs (21%)
  • Increase of late payments by 12% (over-indebtdness)
  • Significant negative impact on attitude towards savings for emergencies (25%)

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