This distance learning course provides an interactive e-learning opportunity to explore green jobs concepts and emerging practices. Through a review of tools, selected literature and best practices, participants are introduced to the labour-market implications of the transition to greener and more sustainable economies. The action-oriented curriculum is structured towards the design and implementation of green jobs policies, programmes and projects.

What topics does this course cover?

  • WHY are green jobs key to sustainable development?
  • WHAT are green and decent jobs?
  • WHERE can green jobs be found and/or created?
  • HOW can green jobs be promoted and by whom?

What will I learn?

  • Understand the interlinkages between environment, economy and society
  • Recognize the role of governments and social partners in the promotion of policy coherence for the transition to greener and more sustainable economies.
  • Review best practices and case studies that illustrate the variety of approaches to fully exploit the business growth and job creation potential of the green economy

What will I be able to do?

Participants develop solutions to complex problems, creating more sustainable societies.
  • Use international guidelines to help countries manage the transition towards low-carbon economies
  • Apply concrete strategies to promote green and decent work opportunities in the public and private sector
  • Network with green jobs experts and prominent actors in the field

Who takes this course?

The course is addressed to a mixed audience of professionals interested in the basic concepts of green jobs, its linkages with the ILO agenda and the sustainable development framework. This includes:
  • Government representatives
  • Social partners
  • Practitioners engaged in the fields of sustainable development and employment creation
  • Staff from national and international development agencies, and
  • Members from civil society organizations and academia. 
More information and registration