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Judgment No. Session No. Full text
3872 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to dismiss him for misconduct.
3871 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges WHO’s refusal to reinstate him after the decision to dismiss him was set aside.
3870 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant alleges that he was promised promotion to grade D-2.
3869 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant, a former WHO staff member, challenges the decision to abolish his post.
3868 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to shortlist him for a position for which he had applied.
3867 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the WTO’s decision not to conduct an inquiry into his allegations of harassment.
3866 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant impugns the decision not to confirm her appointment at the end of her probationary period.
3865 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to terminate her appointment due to the redundancy of her post.
3864 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision not to exceptionally extend her contract.
3863 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the termination of his appointment on disciplinary grounds.
3862 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the termination of her appointment on disciplinary grounds.
3861 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the refusal to grant her flexible working arrangements during the breastfeeding period.
3860 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to reject his request for suspension of the decision to abolish his post and terminate his contract pending the outcome of the internal appeal proceedings.
3859 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainants challenge the decision adopted by the ICC Assembly of States Parties, reaffirming its earlier decision that the amended Pension Scheme Regulations apply to them.
3858 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to terminate her appointment.
3857 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the termination of her appointment.
3856 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to downgrade her position.
3855 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to maintain his position at the same grade.
3854 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not award him compensation for a service-incurred disability.
3853 124th Session, 2017 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to terminate his contract on the grounds of unsatisfactory service.

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Last updated: 03.08.2024 ^ top