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Judgment No. Session No. Full text
4632 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the implied rejections of his requests for decision on the disciplinary proceedings initiated against him.
4631 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to treat his participation in a strike as an unauthorised absence and the decision to issue him a reprimand for subsequent unauthorised absences on days when he was likewise participating in strikes.
4630 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to treat his participation in a strike as an unauthorised absence.
4629 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainants challenge the decision to treat their participation in a strike as an unauthorised absence.
4628 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainants challenge the decision to accept only part of the recommendations of the Appeals Committee on their appeals against the postponement of a strike ballot by the President of the European Patent Office.
4627 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to accept only part of the recommendations of the Appeals Committee on his appeal against the postponement of a strike ballot by the President of the European Patent Office.
4626 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the rules introduced with effect from 1 July 2013 governing the exercise of the right to strike at the European Patent Office.
4625 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant disputes the lawfulness and outcome of a competition procedure in which she participated.
4624 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant takes issue with the type of contract successively awarded to her by the ILO and seeks adequate compensation for the injury she considers she has suffered.
4623 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the lawfulness of a selection procedure and seeks its cancellation.
4622 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to terminate her appointment for reasons of health.
4621 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to extend her short-term appointment and complains that she was not able to exercise her right to an effective internal appeal in its regard.
4620 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges her performance assessment and complains that she was not able to exercise her right to an effective internal appeal in its regard.
4619 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision not to place her on a roster.
4618 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the outcome of two selection procedures in which she took part.
4617 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to reject her claim of harassment dated 6 December 2019 or, otherwise, the implicit confirmation, on 29 January 2020, of the decision to reject her 6 December 2019 claim.
4616 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision finding that she had harassed another staff member and imposing a written reprimand on her.
4615 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant challenges the decision to terminate her appointment.
4614 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to reject her harassment claim.
4613 135th Session, 2023 EN, FR
The complainant contests the decision to terminate her appointment.

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Last updated: 03.08.2024 ^ top