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Mistake of fact (565,-666)

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Keywords: Mistake of fact
Total judgments found: 63

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  • Judgment 1355

    77th Session, 1994
    Universal Postal Union
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 4


    "According to the case law - especially Judgment 1235 [...] - the Director-General is not bound by the appointment and Promotion Committee's recommendations and in particular need not appoint the candidate the Committee has put first. In the exercise of discretion, he must ensure that his choice is not tainted with any mistake of law or fact and, to allow the tribunal to exercise its power of review, he must state the reasons for his decision."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1235


    advisory body; advisory opinion; appointment; candidate; case law; competition; discretion; duty to substantiate decision; executive head; judicial review; limits; mistake of fact; promotion board;

  • Judgment 1332

    76th Session, 1994
    European Organization for Nuclear Research
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 10


    "The Director-General's decision, being discretionary, is subject to limited review by the Tribunal and may be set aside for example if he obviously misconstrued the facts. But he did not."


    discretion; executive head; judicial review; limits; mistake of fact;

  • Judgment 1324

    76th Session, 1994
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 5


    See Judgment 525, consideration 4.


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 525


    abuse of power; amendment to the rules; decision-maker; discretion; disregard of essential fact; exception; executive head; formal flaw; home; home leave; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; misuse of authority; procedural flaw;

  • Judgment 1317

    76th Session, 1994
    International Telecommunication Union
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 24


    Several recent rulings [...] sharply define the ambit of such review in line with the case law affirmed from the outset: see Judgments 956 [...] under 2 and 3; 1262 [...] under 4; and 1273 [...] under 8.


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 956, 1262, 1273


    abuse of power; case law; contract; decision; discretion; due process; duty to substantiate decision; fixed-term; flaw; formal flaw; judicial review; mistake of fact; misuse of authority; non-renewal of contract; notice; organisation's interest; procedural flaw; right to reply;

  • Judgment 1312

    76th Session, 1994
    International Atomic Energy Agency
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 12


    See Judgment 1317, consideration 24.


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1317


    case law; contract; discretion; fixed-term; judicial review; mistake of fact; non-renewal of contract;

  • Judgment 1292

    75th Session, 1993
    Universal Postal Union
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 6


    "When the Director-General asks the Swiss government to confer diplomatic status, he is exercising his discretion. [...] So the Tribunal will not interfere with his decision unless he has committed some procedural or formal error or a mistake of law or of fact, or applied some wrong principle, or drawn illogical conclusions from the evidence before him."


    discretion; executive head; flaw; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; privileges and immunities; procedural flaw; status of complainant;

  • Judgment 1281

    75th Session, 1993
    International Telecommunication Union
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 2


    "According to the case law the grading of posts is a matter within the discretion of the executive head of an international organisation. So the Tribunal will not interfere with the decision impugned in this case unless it was taken without authority or shows some procedural or formal flaw or a mistake of fact or of law, or overlooks some material fact, or is an abuse of authority, or draws a clearly mistaken conclusion from the facts. Moreover, the Tribunal will not substitute its own assessment of the facts for the Secretary-General's."


    abuse of power; case law; competence; decision-maker; discretion; disregard of essential fact; executive head; flaw; formal flaw; judicial review; limits; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; misuse of authority; post classification; procedural flaw;

  • Judgment 1273

    75th Session, 1993
    International Labour Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 8


    "A decision not to renew an appointment, though discretionary, must be taken for proper reasons that are notified to the staff member. It will be unlawful if it was not taken by the competent authority and in line with the set rules of procedure, if there was a mistake of law or of fact or abuse of authority, or if some clearly mistaken conclusion was drawn from the evidence."


    abuse of power; competence; contract; decision; decision-maker; discretion; due process; duty to substantiate decision; judicial review; limits; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; misuse of authority; non-renewal of contract; organisation's duties;

  • Judgment 1262

    75th Session, 1993
    European Southern Observatory
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 4


    "The case law has made it consistently plain that a decision not to renew a fixed-term appointment, being discretionary, may be set aside only if it was taken without authority, or in breach of a rule of form or of procedure, or was based on a mistake of fact or of law, or if some essential fact was overlooked, or if clearly mistaken conclusions were drawn from the facts, or if there was abuse of authority. Moreover, when the reason given for non-renewal is unsatisfactory performance, the Tribunal will not replace the organisation's assessment of the complainant's fitness for his duties with its own."


    abuse of power; case law; contract; decision; discretion; disregard of essential fact; fixed-term; flaw; formal flaw; grounds; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; misuse of authority; non-renewal of contract; procedural flaw; qualifications; unsatisfactory service;

  • Judgment 1255

    75th Session, 1993
    World Health Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 7


    "The complainants dispute the Tribunal's finding in Judgment 1190, under 15, that no breach of the methodology which they were relying on had caused them any injury. [...] Since Judgment 1190 therefore shows a mistake of fact, it is subject to review in that respect".


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1190


    admissible grounds for review; application for review; mistake of fact; res judicata;

  • Judgment 1251

    74th Session, 1993
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 9


    The complainant was accused of misappropriating funds and summarily dismissed for misconduct. The Tribunal holds that though the Appeals Board "recorded in its report the organization's submissions on the facts, it did not come to any conclusion on them and indeed said it was 'extremely difficult to impute the misfeasances committed to the complainant'. The Director-General's decision is thus flawed with the wrong assumption that the Board had made findings adverse to the complainant."


    decision; disciplinary measure; flaw; internal appeals body; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; serious misconduct; summary dismissal; termination of employment;

  • Judgment 1249

    74th Session, 1993
    World Health Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 5


    The organization failed to renew the complainant's appointment on the grounds that the authorities of his country were unwilling to release him any longer. the director-general has "committed a mistake of fact by wrongly taking the complainant to be on secondment [...] the organization actually concedes the point in its surrejoinder: his appointment 'could not [...] be described as a true secondment'".


    complainant; contract; decision; fixed-term; mistake of fact; non-renewal of contract; secondment;

  • Judgment 1246

    74th Session, 1993
    International Labour Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 3


    "As the Tribunal has held on several occasions, for example in Judgment 1183, a decision by the Director-General not to confirm the appointment of a probationer 'is a discretionary one. Its power of review being limited, the Tribunal will set the decision aside only if it finds a mistake of fact or of law, or a formal or procedural flaw, or a clearly mistaken conclusion on the evidence, or neglect of an essential fact or abuse of authority.'"


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 1183


    abuse of power; case law; decision; discretion; disregard of essential fact; extension of contract; flaw; formal flaw; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; misuse of authority; probationary period; procedural flaw; refusal;

  • Judgment 1245

    74th Session, 1993
    International Atomic Energy Agency
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Considerations 28-29


    "A duty does lie on the Agency to ensure that a staff member who qualifies should be made a participant in the [United Nations Joint Staff Pension] Fund, and the decision the Agency took [...] to exclude the complainant from participation in the Fund was based on several mistakes of fact and law [...]. Because the Agency committed those mistakes and failed in its duty to have the complainant readmitted in the fund [...] she is entitled to be put as far as possible in the position that she would be in now had she been readmitted to the Fund at the earliest available opportunity."


    complainant; condition; judicial review; mistake of fact; organisation's duties; participation; unjspf;

  • Judgment 1238

    74th Session, 1993
    World Health Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 5


    "In the circumstances the refusal of reinstatement is not justified, and the fact that dismissal occurred over five years ago does not stand in the way of reinstatement, especially since the complainant was not responsible for any of the delay. He is accordingly entitled to reinstatement."


    date; discretion; limits; mistake of fact; organisation's interest; refusal; reinstatement; right; termination of employment;

    Consideration 4


    "Even if the Director-General has discretion to refuse reinstatement 'in the interest of the organization' he must exercise it fairly and reasonably after considering all the material facts. Here the facts were that the complainant had throughout had irreproachable appraisal reports. [...] Despite surveillance, without his knowledge, for six months prior to [the incident that led to his dismissal] no wrongdoing, negligence or irregularity on his part was discovered. [...] The Director-General has failed to take into consideration the above material facts and has erred in treating the complainant as guilty of a 'cover-up'. The refusal of reinstatement was thus not a proper exercise of whatever discretion he had in the matter."


    complainant; discretion; disregard of essential fact; flaw; limits; mistake of fact; negligence; organisation; organisation's interest; performance report; refusal; reinstatement; right; termination of employment;

  • Judgment 1230

    74th Session, 1993
    International Atomic Energy Agency
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 3


    The defendant maintains that the complainant did not meet the two-month time limit for lodging appeals and failed to exhaust the internal means of redress. The Committee was of the view that, in this case, exceptional circumstances warranted waiving the time limit and allowing the appeal. The defendant contends that the Committee's decision was not binding on the Agency. "Only where the Committee's appraisal of the circumstances is flagrantly wrong or based on plainly mistaken facts may the Director General disregard it, and even then his decision will be subject to review by the Tribunal."


    condition; exception; internal appeal; internal appeals body; internal remedies exhausted; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; receivability of the complaint; staff regulations and rules; time bar; time limit;

    Consideration 4


    The Agency granted the complainant only a short contract renewal, refusing to renew the contract until the date of his retirement. According to the defendant, this decision was based on information in its files which indicated that the complainant wasn't available after a certain date. Now it has been established that the complainant said he would be available as long as the Agency wished. "A decision by an international organization to grant only a short extension of appointment or none at all, though it is discretionary, must still be based on correct findings of fact."


    contract; discretion; fixed-term; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; non-renewal of contract; organisation;

  • Judgment 1221

    74th Session, 1993
    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 5


    The complainant seeks the quashing of an unfavourable assessment of her performance. "The assessment of her shows neither any mistake nor abuse of authority. [...] Since she has shown no significant mistake in [her generally negative] assessment and since the Tribunal exercises only a limited power of review over administrative decisions of that kind, her claims under this head must fail."


    abuse of power; judicial review; mistake of fact; misuse of authority; performance report; rating; report;

  • Judgment 1175

    73rd Session, 1992
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 5


    "As the case law makes plain - for example, judgments 736 [...] and 1161 [...] - a decision not to confirm a probationer's appointment is a matter of discretion for the President. Although the Tribunal may review the lawfulness of dismissal of a probationer, the nature of the decision is such that its power of review is limited. It will set aside the decision only if there was a mistake of fact or law, or a formal or procedural flaw, or if some essential fact was overlooked, or if a clearly mistaken conclusion was drawn from the evidence, or if there was abuse of authority."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 736, 1161


    abuse of power; case law; contract; discretion; disregard of essential fact; flaw; formal flaw; grounds; judicial review; limits; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; misuse of authority; probationary period; procedural flaw; termination of employment;

  • Judgment 1161

    72nd Session, 1992
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 4


    "As the case law makes plain - for example, Judgments 687 [...] and 736 [...] - a decision not to confirm a probationer's appointment is a matter of discretion for the [executive head] and the Tribunal will not substitute its own judgment for the organisation's in matters that require such exercise of discretion. Although the Tribunal may review the lawfulness of dismissal of a probationer, the nature of the decision is such that its power of review is limited. It will set aside the decision only if there was a mistake of fact or law, or a formal or procedural flaw, or if some essential fact was overlooked, or if a clearly mistaken conclusion was drawn from the evidence, or if there was abuse of authority."


    ILOAT Judgment(s): 687, 736


    abuse of power; case law; discretion; disregard of essential fact; flaw; formal flaw; judicial review; mistake of fact; mistaken conclusion; misuse of authority; probationary period; procedural flaw; termination of employment;

  • Judgment 1142

    72nd Session, 1992
    European Patent Organisation
    Extracts: EN, FR
    Full Judgment Text: EN, FR

    Consideration 10


    One of the organisation's reasons for refusing the complainant's claim to dependants' allowance for his parents was that they resided in the Netherlands - his duty station - and lived in a flat that belonged to him. Since his mother owned a flat in Rome, the income she could have had from letting that flat had to be taken into account. The Tribunal holds that his "parents are resident, not in the Netherlands, but in Rome. The fact that when visiting the Netherlands, and for whatever length of time, they live in the flat belonging to him is immaterial and affords no grounds for letting his mother's flat in Rome. [...] The organisation's mistake on that score appears to have been a main factor in the President's decision".


    allowance; condition; dependant; family allowance; mistake of fact; parent;

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