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Judgment No. 3717


The complaint is summarily dismissed.


The complainant challenges the implied decision to reject his request for review of an Administrative Council’s decision introducing a new career system.

Judgment keywords


direct appeal to tribunal; internal remedies exhausted; summary procedure; complaint dismissed

Consideration 5


The Tribunal’s case law makes it clear that where the Administration takes any action to deal with a claim, by forwarding it to the competent authority for example, this step in itself constitutes a “decision upon [the] claim” within the meaning of Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Statute, which forestalls an implied rejection that could be referred to the Tribunal (see, for example, Judgment 3428, consideration 18, and 3146, consideration 12).


ILOAT reference: Article VII, paragraph 3, of the Statute
ILOAT Judgment(s): 3146, 3428


direct appeal to tribunal; internal remedies exhausted

Last updated: 01.06.2020 ^ top