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Abandonment ID: 00097
Nom du navire:Eber[disputed]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):7701469
Port d'abandon:La Plata, Argentina
Date d'abandon:1 février 2009
Date de notification:4 février 2009
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:23
Circonstances:Food in short supply, no bunkers. Crew unpaid for more than 3 months. Some crew members in need of medical treatment. Claims initiated by local Agent of the ship. Ship anchored since 23 November 2008 due to local agent claim for USD 50,000 (owed payments for services). (Anchorage area named "Common Zone")
Actions entreprises:4 février 2009: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Co-operation with PSC, Apostleship of the Sea. Contact with Turkish Embassy to facilitate repatriation of the crew. Negotiations with owner, who says has no money to solve any problem, including repatriations. Turkish union assisting.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:0222: En attente de rapatriement
AT 22nd. February: 2 repatriated at Campana Port (November 23th.), 3 abandoned the ship and return to Turkey by them self (February 8th.), 11 repatriated by our Office with assistance of Turkish union, Consulate, Coast Guard, Apostleship of the Sea and some contacts in La Plata and Buenos Aires (February 17th). Nine (9) remain on board awaiting our assistance in La Plata anchorage.
Paiement des salaires:22 février 2009: En attente de paiement
Four (4) months outstanding
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (7 décembre 2017)
No further update expected

Saisie: mardi - 20 décembre 2016 a 10:06:11
Dernière mise à jour: lundi - 11 décembre 2017 a 14:29:13
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale