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Abandonment ID: 00813
Nom du navire:Pink
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9631149
Port d'abandon:Istanbul, Türkiye
Date d'abandon:1 juillet 2023
Date de notification:18 octobre 2023
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:14
Nationalités:Inde(13); Ukraine(1)
Circonstances:P&I : Unknown

Type : General Cargo

Seafarer is owed 5 months wages (May to September) and a War Area bonus (Ukraine)
Actions entreprises:13 octobre 2023: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the owners/managers, flag state and coordinating with ITF FOC Network Coordinator for Arab World and Iran
Paiement des salaires:18 octobre 2023: En attente de paiement
Commentaires et observations:Autre (19 octobre 2023)
From S&P Global Market Intelligence

Just been advised by San Marino that vessel was deleted from their flag on 10th September.

Gouv. de Saint-Marin (25 octobre 2023)
Below is a brief summary of the events pertaining to the Vessel that involved the San Marino flag until 10 September 2023, i.e. until the date when we lawfully decided to cancel the temporary registration of the Vessel due to the lack of technical and security requirements for the permanent registration.

(i) The vessel was registered on a temporary basis in San Marino on 20/06/2023.
(ii) The R.O. (National Shipping Adjusters – NASHA) and the R.S.O. (Veritas Register of Shipping – VRS) issued a valid set of statutory certificates on behalf of the San Marino Flag.
(iii) The Vessel had the interim ISSC Certificate expiring on 01/09/2023.
(iv) According to this an on-board verification was arranged by the R.S.O. for the ISSC issuance.
(v) The Vessel was inspected at Tuzla (Istanbul) road by a VRS auditor on 30/08/2023.
(vi) The outcome of this verification was negative and a new ISSC certificate could not be issued due to an ascertained severe lack of implementation of the provisions of the ISPS Code.
(vii) According to the terms of the San Marino Primary Maritime Law (no. 120/02.08.2019 as amended from time to time), on 31/08/2023 a registration suspension notice was sent to the Owner/ISM Company, namely Boreal Shipping LTD.
(viii) The suspension notice provided eight days to the Company to restore the conditions under which the Vessel could be kept entitled to fly the San Marino Flag according to the art. 22 of the San Marino Maritime Law no. 120/02.08.2019
(ix) The same day we informed the Turkish security responsible and the local Port Authorities that the aforementioned vessel, at anchor in the Tuzla road, according to the relevant RSO, was not in condition to successfully pass the verification for the issuing of the International Ship Security Certificate.
(x) The R.O. NASHA was informed as well.
(xi) An occasional Survey was arranged by the Class/R.O (NASHA) and carried out on 01/09/2023.
(xii) As result of this occasional survey the R.O. withdrawn all the issued statutory certificates for ascertained severe deficiencies connected to the safety and the ISM management.
(xiii) On 05/09/2023 we informed the local Port Authorities of this further development.
(xiv) On 06/09/2023 we suspended the R.O. NASHA due to the inconsistency of the initial certificates issue against the result of the last occasional survey carried out about two months later.
(xv) On 08/09/2023 the Vessel was submitted by a Mediterranean Mou Port State Control in the Tuzla Road and the Vessel was detained.
(xvi) On 10/09/2023, since we did not receive any feedback from the Company namely Boreal Shipping LTD to our registration suspension notice, the vessel was cancelled pursuant to the mentioned San Marino Primary Maritime Law [art. 3.1.i – art. 22 Maritime Law 120 August 2nd 2019 and Delegate Decree 130 September 8th 2023 art. 4 and 5)

Additional information/considerations:
a. We have never received any notification of abandoned ship until 17/10/2023 when we received a communication from ITF and then your message dated 18/10/2023.
b. We have never received an MLC compliant.
c. The R.O., R.S.O. and the Turkish authorities, that all attended the Vessel in this time frame, never reported such a circumstance of abandoned vessel.
d. Upon the temporary registration we received valid insurance coverages by the “TURKP&I” relevant the MLC titles A2.5.2 and A4.2 as well as the coverages relevant the civil liability for bunker oil pollution damage and wreck removal.
e. After having received your message, we have contacted the TURK P&I asking confirmation of the validity of said coverages: we have been informed that the coverages have been cancelled despite the certificates are not expired. However, the TURK P&I has refused to share with us the reasons why – and the time when – the insurance coverages have been cancelled.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (27 octobre 2023)
Powers of Attorney have been collected from the crew in order to start a legal process. Official statements/documents have been received from the authorities.

Saisie: jeudi - 23 novembre 2023 a 08:24:33
Dernière mise à jour: mardi - 28 novembre 2023 a 08:58:23
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale