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GSP Uranus[disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00797
Nom du navire:GSP Uranus[disputed]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):8750792
Port d'abandon:Trkkc East Ayazli, Türkiye
Date d'abandon:1 septembre 2023
Date de notification:18 septembre 2023
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:19
Nationalités:Mexique(2); Roumanie(16); Ukraine(1)
Circonstances:P&I : Hydor AS

Type : Drilling Rig

All the crew on board have not been paid for 3 months.
Only 2 Mexican seafarers are making a complaint. The other crew members did not complain openly, fearing they would not be able to find work again.
Information received from the local Port Authority, there is a court-determined lien on the ship due to its debt. No port exit permit will be granted until this debt is paid.
Actions entreprises:18 septembre 2023: Autres
Contacted the owners, manager, Karadeniz Ereğli port authorities and ITF Inspector in Romania

Situation concernant le rapatriement:18 septembre 2023: En attente de rapatriement
Paiement des salaires:18 septembre 2023: En attente de paiement
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (18 septembre 2023)
Since MLC 2006 has not been ratified in Türkiye, the port authority will not intervene.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (27 novembre 2023)
The seafarers were taken off the ship and repatriated to their home countries without being paid by the company. A crew change has taken place.

Saisie: mardi - 28 novembre 2023 a 09:14:57
Dernière mise à jour: mardi - 28 novembre 2023 a 09:15:24
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale