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Run De[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00782
Nom du navire:Run De[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9051741
Port d'abandon:Guayaquil, Ecuador
Date d'abandon:21 juillet 2023
Date de notification:2 août 2023
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:18
Nationalités:Belgique(1); Chine(5); Philippines(12)
Circonstances:P&I : UK P&I

Type : General Cargo

Crew are owed more than two months wages.
12 Filipino seafarers are more than 1 month onboard and have double contracts.
No payslips are being given to crew.
Actions entreprises:23 juillet 2023: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Emailed owner, Flag State, DMW and Manning Agencies (Var-Orient Shipping and G&L Shipmanagement)
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Equateur (25 août 2023)
Ecuador´s Maritime Authorty would like to inform IMO´s Legal Affairs Office, the following:

- The Port State Controller has carried out two inspections on the Panamanian flagged vessel "RUN DE", after wich no foreign personnel have been found on board. We can report that only seafarers with ecuadorian nationality were found. The ecuadorian maritime authority in its report inform that the foreign seafarers were replaced by ecuadorian seafarers.

- On the 10th of July 2023, the Maritime Authority of Ecuador sent the report of the second port state inspection to the Maritime Authority of Panama in order to resolve the on going issues.

- In August 2023, a third port state inspection was carried out: it was found that the deficiencies that prevent the safe navigation of the vessel are yet to continue, meaning that the RUN DE will be kept detained.

- The Harbor Master of Guayaquil has requested the shipping agency in charge of the RUN DE to produce the airplane tickets for the foreign seafarers as proof of their repatriation process. So far no results have been achivied"

Autre (30 août 2023)

I refer to the details below of the RUN DE, IMO No 9051741 which has been reported to be entered with the UK P&I Club. I have contacted the Club who have informed me that this vessel has not been insured by the UK P&I Club. I would be grateful if you could update the records and remove UK P&I Club as the insured entity.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (5 septembre 2023)
All Filipino crew were repatriated after applied pressure from Panamanian Maritime Authority and the Department of Migrant Workers of Philippines. Owners claim to have paid wages but no confirmation of payments made has been received

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (17 octobre 2023)
All seafarers who complained have received their outstanding wages.

Saisie: mardi - 17 octobre 2023 a 11:37:15
Dernière mise à jour: mardi - 17 octobre 2023 a 11:37:38
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale