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Inai Kenanga[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00781
Nom du navire:Inai Kenanga[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9568782
Port d'abandon:Pasir Gudang, Malaysia
Date d'abandon:1 janvier 2023
Date de notification:2 août 2023
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:24
Nationalités:Indonésie(3); Myanmar(2); Malaisie(19)
Circonstances:P&I : Unknown

Type : Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger

24 crewmembers are owed wages for between 3 - 9months.
The master communicated the salary issue to the company, Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd. In return, the company promised to remit 2 months salary to the crew before the Eid celebration in April 2023. Unfortunately, they did not do so and instead, they only paid each crew RM 2000 on 19th April 2023.
The company remitted 3 months’ wages to the crew on 30th June, 4th July and 11th July 2023. As a result, the crew still are still owed between 1 to 6 months wages.
Actions entreprises:6 avril 2023: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
The Marine Department of Malaysia Central Region (JLWT) is working closely with the Master and raised the issue with Inai Kiara Sdn Bhd (the Company). JLWT also inspected the vessel on 12th May 2023 and demanded that the company to present the crew's outstanding payment schedule and the sign off process procedure.
Flag state have been informed
Paiement des salaires:2 août 2023: En attente de paiement

Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (6 mars 2024)
All crew have received their outstanding wages and have been repatriated

Saisie: lundi - 11 mars 2024 a 10:08:16
Dernière mise à jour: lundi - 11 mars 2024 a 10:08:38
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale