Abandonment ID: | 00755 |
Nom du navire: | Chuang Shi[disputed] |
No. OMI (7 chiffres): | 8545654 |
Port d'abandon: | Kaohsiung, Taiwan |
Date d'abandon: | 8 mai 2023 |
Date de notification: | 10 mai 2023 |
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante: | Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) |
Nombre de marins: | 3 |
Nationalités: | Myanmar(3) |
Circonstances: | P&I : Maritime Mutual Insurance Association(NZ) Ltd
Type : General Cargo
4 months unpaid wages |
Actions entreprises: | 10 mai 2023: Autres Contacted the company, port harbour bureau, port state and P&I club
Situation concernant le rapatriement: | 10 mai 2023: En attente de rapatriement Crew are awaiting repatriation
Paiement des salaires: | 10 mai 2023: En attente de paiement US$26,581
Commentaires et observations: | Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (10 mai 2023) Vessel is now believed to be named Xin Shi Ji
Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (18 juillet 2023) The remaining 3 crew were repatriated on 25th May 2023 by their manning agent. We have no evidence that they have received their outstanding wages