Echo Star[disputed]
Abandonment ID: | 00702 |
Nom du navire: | Echo Star[disputed] |
Pavillon: | Belize |
No. OMI (7 chiffres): | 9134294 |
Port d'abandon: | Sharjah, UAE |
Date d'abandon: | 1 septembre 2022 |
Date de notification: | 27 octobre 2022 |
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante: | Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) |
Nombre de marins: | 26 |
Nationalités: | Inde(4); Philippines(13); Ukraine(9) |
Circonstances: | P&I : Unknown
Filipino seafarers are owed 3 months wages (July to September). This vessel is from the same principal in UAE as the Gas Vision, Danuta I, Captain Nikolas, Niba and Sona, all of which have been reported as abandonments |
Actions entreprises: | 13 octobre 2022: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé Company contactedFlag State informed and requested implication UAE maritime authorities informed.
Commentaires et observations: | Gouv. de Belize (4 novembre 2022) In this regard, please be informed that this Administration received a notification from the ITF and commenced our investigation; nevertheless, we are unsure about the amount debt to crew members and if all crew members are under the same condition of unpaid wages. Can you please confirm if you have this information? Nevertheless, we will continue our pressure and as soon as the case is sorted out, we will immediately reply to all concerned parties.
Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (4 novembre 2022) To inform hat the ITF has had received a report from seafarer on board of this ship, informing that they have outstanding wages for 4 months up to this moment, and expressing the seafarer his fear to be penalised if the employer knows who is the complainer. The seafarer informed that he is not in a position to give information on the total of outstanding wages, as he has no access to it . Besides the seafarer, informed us that he has no information on what the P&I is.
For the above, we do not have as ITF the information regarding the Total of the outstanding wages. If we manage to get any information regarding the amounts of the outstanding wages, we will proceed to share with the Flag a well as will proceed to update the Abandonment Report accordingly .
The ITF has contacted & Informed the Flag State accordingly after the request of assistance we have received, and we are in continuous contact with the flag state on this case.
We shared the crew list we have obtained with the Flag state and for now, no reply has been received from the Owners of the ship. The last information from the crew was received on the 31 of October, indicate that the outstanding wages were not of 4 months and that the ships ship was about to sail to China,.
Gouv. de Belize (5 novembre 2022) In connection with the below communication and with the intention to update with the latest information received on this case, please be informed that our Administration managed to get in contact with owner/operator representative and received the following information/evidence:
QUOTE Please find attached files with payment slips for July & August as remitted to the crew for those who asked to be paid via a bank account ,Those in cash will be paid upon vessel’s return to Persian Gulf as owners will send cash on board for same .And we will forward you the statements Also those who signed off were paid fully in cash and statements are enclosed accordingly for your reference We will revert with signed crew lists for July & august upon receipt by owners/managers UNQUOTE
Based on that information, we requested the following:
1. A list of crew members that had not being paid along with an agreement letter that they accept to receive their salaries in cash upon arrival to the Persian Gulf. 2. When the vessel will return to the Persian Gulf (ETA). 3. Confirmation that all outstanding until end of October will be paid upon arrival to the Persian Gulf without any delay. 4. For those crew members that were paid via bank transfer, why they should wait until the vessel returns to the Persian Gulf in order to receive the outstanding two months (September and October) instead to receive them as soon as possible using the same method (Bank Transfer). 5. Reasons why owners/operators delayed in paying salaries for such period of two months. As soon as we receive further information, we will immediately provide the same to you for a proper update or hopefully closing this case.
Gouv. de Belize (7 novembre 2022) In addition to my last week message, please be informed that today we receive further information and payment from owners/operators of subject vessel.
The payment corresponds to July and August salaries for the crew from Philippines.
We also receive copy of the MLC, 2006 insurance.
All information is attached for your easy reference.
As soon as we have more information, we will revert accordingly.
Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (17 mars 2023) The owed wages for July and August were paid but we have seen no evidence of payments for September and October. The owners are not responding and we have addressed the issue to the flag state and we continue wait for a response