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Anthea V[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00661
Nom du navire:Anthea V[resolved]
Pavillon:Marshall, îles
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9760043
Port d'abandon:Bandar Abbas, Iran
Date d'abandon:1 mai 2022
Date de notification:24 juin 2022
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:20
Nationalités:Philippines(18); Ukraine(2)
Circonstances:P&I : Skuld

1 seafarer complaint received that he has not been paid for 3 months (March, April and May). Seafarers contract expired on 19th March 2022. Owners continually stalling on repatriation and payment of wages.
Actions entreprises:9 juin 2022: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Contacted the company and flag state. Iranian maritime authorities have been informed.
Paiement des salaires:En attente de paiement
The total wages outstanding is US$18,000.
Commentaires et observations:Autre (19 juillet 2022)
International Group of P&I Club sent the comments below.

The Club was contacted by the owners on 13 July in relation to a Ukrainian crew member who was insisting on receiving his wages in cash (for understandable reasons given the situation in Ukraine). However, the Club were advised that this is not permitted in Iran (possession of foreign currency, especially US$ is not allowed in Iran). This has contradicted the advice the crew member has received from ITF in Tehran and he has therefore refused to disembark unless he is paid in cash.
The owners have confirmed to the Club that they have paid the crew wages of all the seafarers on board the vessel and there is no issue of outstanding crew wages. Regarding the Ukrainian seafarer who insisted on being paid in cash, the Owners have remitted his wages up until 31.07.2022 to the manning agents in Ukraine, as there was no other alternative.
Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) of the Republic of the Philippines were contacted on the same matter, with regards to the Philippine crew where it was claimed that the Philippine crew had outstanding wages. The Club have also engaged their correspondents in Philippines and will provide an email to Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) of the Republic of the Philippines confirming no outstanding wages.

The Owners are trying to find a solution together with the correspondents and the local agents in Iran, and would appreciate assistance of the ITF Tehran office to persuade the seafarer to accept the payment that has already been made to the manning agents in Ukraine. Once the payment issue is resolved, the seafarer will be repatriated and not continue his work on board the vessel.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (20 juillet 2022)
1.The seafarer has not yet been paid for the months of march, april, may, june and the current days of july.
2.The seafarer employment contract expired on the 19th of march 2022.
3.The seafarer has repeatedly requested to be repatriated and paid. His request has been passed by this organisation to the owners as well as to the Flag Administration,with whom we have been in touch on it, many weeks ago.
4.The seafarer is still awaiting on board to be paid and disembarked- been informed today that there is intention to repatriate hin on the 26th f july. The main issue seems now to be that the seafarer is asking for a Guarantee that he will be paid his total dues for the months mentionned above value $21799(march Up to 20th july 2022) wages at the local agent office, after disembarkment.

Autre (20 juillet 2022)
International Group of P&I Club sent the comments below.

The request to ITF for assistance is no longer required as the seafarer has agreed to disembark the vessel and attend the office of the local agents in Bandar Abbas in order to receive his wages in cash. Once they resolve this issue, the Owners will arrange for his repatriation.

Gouv. de Philippines (27 juillet 2022)
The Philippines through the Maritime Industry Authority
(MARINA) respectfully informs you that based on the e-mail from lnterorient
Maritime Enterprise, lnc., the vessel Anthea V remains active and there are
sixteen (16) Filipino seafarers on board including the Master Captain.
It is li¢kewise informed that the agency never received complaints from the
crew on board and that the Filipino seafarers' allotments are fully paid up and
until 22 June 2022.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (30 août 2022)
The seafarer left the vessel on 27th July 2022. The owed wages that the seafarer took in cash were confiscated by the authorities at the airport. Seafarer would not leave without his money and eventually left Iran on 5th August 2022 having had his cash returned to him.

Dernière mise à jour: jeudi - 17 novembre 2022 a 09:48:18^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale