Abandonment ID: | 00653 |
Nom du navire: | Borkan 2[resolved] |
Pavillon: | Iran, République islamique d' |
No. OMI (7 chiffres): | 9201059 |
Port d'abandon: | Kish, Iran |
Date d'abandon: | 1 juillet 2021 |
Date de notification: | 8 juin 2022 |
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante: | Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) |
Nombre de marins: | 12 |
Nationalités: | Ethiopie(1); Inde(6); Iran, République islamique d'(1); Sri Lanka(2); Myanmar(1); Pakistan(1) |
Circonstances: | P&I : Unknown
Seafarers were working on Miami IMO 8503527, then moved to actual ship Borken 2. Seafarers are owed wages of between 8 and 13 months. Seafarers contracts expired February, march and April 2022. |
Actions entreprises: | 7 mai 2022: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé Company contacted. Iranian maritime authorities-PSC contacted.
Paiement des salaires: | En attente de paiement The total wages outstanding is $US50,600.
Commentaires et observations: | Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (25 juillet 2022) All crew were paid their full outstanding wages and repatriated. 5 crewmembers were paid first in mid-June 2022and the remaining 2 crewmembers paid in mid July 2022.