Abandonment ID: | 00065 |
Nom du navire: | [Majed - Inactive] |
Pavillon: | Saint-Vincent-et-Grenadines |
No. OMI (7 chiffres): | 7632072 |
Port d'abandon: | Bhashair Oil Terminal |
Date d'abandon: | 25 mars 2008 |
Date de notification: | 27 mars 2008 |
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante: | Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) |
Nombre de marins: | 5 |
Nationalités: | Inde(4); Pakistan(1) |
Circonstances: | Message from seafarers received by ITF affiliated union, PSU, in Pakistan asking for assistance. The vessel has apparently been under arrest by the charter party since last year. The crew have been on board for 14-15 months. The owner has refused to pay four months outstanding wages and repatriation costs. After the crew requested help from the port authority the Captain (newly joined) has apparently, on the order of the owner, refused to allow them back on the vessel. As a result the crew have been housed in a shelter at the terminal since 10th March 2008.
Actions entreprises: | 23 avril 2008: Autres ITF has written to the ship manager, ship owner and flag State. Response awaited.
Paiement des salaires: | 23 avril 2008: Autres 4 months wages
Commentaires et observations: | Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (15 mai 2017) Vessel is not dead, but no movements recorded since 2005. No further info available