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Captain Nagdaliyev[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00449
Nom du navire:Captain Nagdaliyev[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9575307
Port d'abandon:Beirut, Lebanon
Date d'abandon:13 mars 2020
Date de notification:20 juillet 2020
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:13
Nationalités:Azerbaïdjan(10); Russie, Fédération de(2); Türkiye(1)
Circonstances:P&I: Unknown
ITF has been unable to establish that any financial security is currently in place.

The crew have not been paid for 6 months and have limited supplies of food and provisions.
There has been no fresh water on board since 5 July.
Actions entreprises:13 mars 2020: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé

Contact with the company.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:Autres
4 crew are still to be repatriated.

En attente de rapatriement
All crew remain on board.
Paiement des salaires:En attente de paiement
Crew are owed 6 months wages.
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (20 juillet 2020)
The situation on board is very tense due to the lack of wages and provisioins.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (25 septembre 2020)
ITF is assisting the crew to take the case to court.
This case is complicated by COVID-19.
The Lebanon Explosion has also had an impact.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (28 septembre 2020)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
The abandonned 12 crew are already in total black out, and have run totally out of provisions on board.
The ITF calls all again to assume their resposnibilities towards the abandonned crew.

Gouv. de Liban (29 septembre 2020)
From the Embassy of Lebanon in London
Beirut port authorities have been following up on the matter and in contact with ITF and the marine shipping agent of the vessel.
The ship was also inspected on 19 August and 24 August 2020, and a thorough assessment was made of the provisions on board, and the mental state of its sailors and the captain of the crew.
Earlier this month and after the prolonged mediations with the ship's owners have failed, this case was passed on to the judiciary which will take appropriate measures to ensure that overdue payments to relevant agencies, the port investment authority and the ship's crew are paid in full.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (19 octobre 2020)
ITF is assisting the crew to take the case to court. A lawyer has been appointed with the assistance. 5 seafarers have been repartriated and paid by the P&I Club. 4 more are expecting to be repatriated soon.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (17 décembre 2020)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
There are actually 4 Azerbaijani seafarers stucked and abandonned on board seeking desperately provisions, water, and fuel. The rest have been disemabarked and repatriated. The company has not responded to any of the emails we sent. We passed the crew SOS emails to all the parties with respsosnibilities towards the ship and the seafarers, including the embassy-Consulate of Azerbaijan. The seafarers have requested repeatedly repatriation, that has not been granted by the Lebanese port and maritime authorities, resulting in this uneasy situation for the 4 seafarers.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (24 décembre 2020)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
We would like to inform and update you that, unfortunately no step has been taken from owners and neihter from any party with resposnibilities towards the ship and the crew. We also inform you that the ITF has once again assisted and covered the seafarers urgent basic needs by suppling them with the requested fuel, fresh water and provisions. All has been delivered yesterday and today.

OIT/OMI (14 janvier 2021)
To the Lebanese Port and Maltese Maritime authorities
As was just reported the situation on board CAPTAIN NAGDALIYEV’ (IMO Number 9575307), Flag: Malta which was abandoned in Beirut, Lebanon since 13 March 2020, has become extremely urgent. Therefore, I herewith forward to you the very urgent request for your immediate and quick intervention that permits and facilitate the disembarkment and repatriation of the 4 Azerbaijani seafarers who are still on board. I herewith would like to recall that the port State has an obligation to ensure that seafarers are able to exercise their right to repatriation. In particular, MLC, 2006 Standard A2.5.1 paras 7 and 8 state:
7. Each Member shall facilitate the repatriation of seafarers serving on ships which call at its ports or pass through its territorial or internal waters, as well as their replacement on board.
8. In particular, a Member shall not refuse the right of repatriation to any seafarer because of the financial circumstances of a shipowner or because of the shipowner’s inability or unwillingness to replace the seafarer.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (28 janvier 2021)
4 crew are still to be repatriated.

OIT/OMI (1 février 2021)
To the Lebanese Port and Maltese Maritime authorities

As was just reported by ITF the situation on board CAPTAIN NAGDALIYEV’ (IMO Number 9575307), Flag: Malta which was abandoned in Beirut, Lebanon since 13 March 2020, has become extremely worrying and most urgent.
Therefore, I herewith forward to you the very urgent request for your immediate and quick intervention that permits and facilitate the disembarkment and repatriation of all the seafarers, including the master, who are still on board.
I herewith would like to recall that the port State has an obligation to ensure that seafarers are able to exercise their right to repatriation. In particular, MLC, 2006 Standard A2.5.1 paras 7 and 8 state:
7. Each Member shall facilitate the repatriation of seafarers serving on ships which call at its ports or pass through its territorial or internal waters, as well as their replacement on board.
8. In particular, a Member shall not refuse the right of repatriation to any seafarer because of the financial circumstances of a shipowner or because of the shipowner’s inability or unwillingness to replace the seafarer.
These MLC clauses leave no doubt that the port authorities of Lebanon cannot deny repatriation to the crew in the current circumstances. Therefore IMO would kindly request you to cooperate with the Maritime authorities of Malta to immediately prepare and approve a repatriation plan for the sitting crew.
I hope for your understanding that the humanitarian situation for the crew has become completely unacceptable and I would call for you immediate assIstance in good cooperation with the flag State and seafarer States authorities to find a speedy solution.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenient.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (1 février 2021)
To the Lebanese maritime authorities and Beirut port authority (From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator)

We are really worried to get to this extreme and very worrying situation where the abandonned seafarers has to get to Hunger strike to seek their repatration for their repatriation in an MLC ratioffying country.
This has been sent to us today from the abandonned crew of Captain Nagdaliyev. They have informed us that they have taken the decision to go on hunger strike claimning their repatriation in view of absence of any steps to allow them be repatriated.
Unfortunately, despite the repetetive requests from the abandonned crew, frm the ITF , from the IMo to you as competent maritime and port authorities, no repsonse has been received and no steps has been taken to permit adn allow the repatriation of the abandonned remaining 4 crew.
We are submitting to you the desperate call of the crew, and reiterate our request to you as lebanese maritime authorities, as port authorities, and as MLC ratifying countries, to pelase take thje necessary steps to allow and permit the repatiaiton and evacuation of the abandonned crew on baord of the ship Captain Nagdaliev

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (5 février 2021)
Crew started a hunger strike on 1st February 2021 to demand that they are repatriated.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (8 février 2021)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
To the Lebanese maritime authorities and to the Beirut Port Authotrity
Unforutnatley untill now, and despite the reiterated calls and requests, the situation of the 4 crew seafarers on the abandonned Capt Nagdaliev remains the same and there is a worrying silence from the Lebanese port and maritime authorities.
Unfortunately, neither the Hunger strike protest undertaken by the crew seems enough to make things change and move.
The ITF is very worried that this happens in a country that has ratified the MLC on a ship under the flag of a ratifying country (Malta, where the obligations and resposnibilities are clear to faciliatete the repatriaiton of the stcukerd and abandonned seafarers.
We emphasize that some of the crew are already 15 and 12 months on board with all the resulting pscychological srous problems of absence of nbeing abandonned, unpaid and without even covering frm the company owners their basic needs.
We would like to inform the company owners, Malta Flag administration, the port of Beirut, and the lebanese maritime authorities that the in 4-5 days the seafarers will be running of provisions and water, and in 10 days will be running again of fuel, all these has been repeteadly covered by the ITF.
We reiterate our call and active request to the local maritiem authorities to allow and faciliatete the evacuation and repatriation of the 4 seafarers on board of the captain Nagdaliyev, as this is becoming indeed a basic hman rights issue.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (12 février 2021)
From ITF Arab World and Iran Network Coordinator
We have been informed that the repatriation of the 4 crew is taking place on the 17th of February, and that 2 relievers will come on board.
We are looking forward to it then, and will confirm it all as soon as PCR tests are done and tickets issued .

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (5 mars 2021)
All four crew have now been repatriated and paid four months money by the P&I club. The case has now gone to court to recover the outstanding wages. Disputed.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (18 octobre 2022)
Now sailing under the name of General Polad Hashimov. All crew have been paid following a court process. The crew had previously obtained 4 months wages by the P&I club.

One seafarer has not received his money yet as it cannot be sent to the bank account in Russia. The ITF is holding this money until such time as the seafarer advises us where to forward the funds to.

Saisie: mardi - 18 octobre 2022 a 16:41:17
Dernière mise à jour: mardi - 18 octobre 2022 a 16:41:45
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale