Abandonment ID: | 00437 |
Nom du navire: | Bourbon[resolved] |
Pavillon: | Libéria |
No. OMI (7 chiffres): | 9588407 |
Port d'abandon: | Songxia, China |
Date d'abandon: | 8 mai 2020 |
Date de notification: | 19 mai 2020 |
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante: | Gouv. de Libéria (Liberian Flag Administration) |
Nombre de marins: | 20 |
Nationalités: | Ukraine(20) |
Circonstances: | P&I: The Swedish Club (20/02/2020 - 20/02/2021)
The crew reported that they have been unpaid since March 2020 |
Actions entreprises: | 8 mai 2020: Autres The shipowner and the P&I were notified by the flag administration. On 9 May 2020, the flag administration received a response from the Swedish Club that they will investigate and process the claim.
8 mai 2020: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Situation concernant le rapatriement: | En attente de rapatriement The seafarers remain on board the vessel.
Paiement des salaires: | En attente de paiement USD 119,530 to the end of April 2020.