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Abandonment ID: 00432
Nom du navire:Evolution[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9122899
Port d'abandon:Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Date d'abandon:2 avril 2020
Date de notification:3 avril 2020
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Gouv. de Libéria
Nombre de marins:21
Nationalités:Jordanie(1); Liban(1); Philippines(19)
Circonstances:The London P&I Club (20/02/2020 - 20/02/2021)

The crew reported being unpaid since January 2020.
Actions entreprises:2 avril 2020: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
On 2 April, the Administration is arranging the attendance of a flag state inspector to assess the working and living conditions of the seafarers.

The shipowner and P&I were notified by the Administration.
Paiement des salaires:En attente de paiement
USD 194,953 to the end of March 2020.
Commentaires et observations:Autre (22 avril 2020)
IGP&I sent an email as below.

The ship remains arrested in Charleston and it is anticipated that it will be sold at auction by the end of May.
The London Club requires the cooperation of the US Coast Guard (USCG) to repatriate the crew. The Club has entered into dialogue with the USCG to determine the circumstances under which the crew can be repatriated. The vessel remains at the anchorage and as such cannot be unmanned. The Club has enquired whether the Coast Guard will be willing to follow the Flag State’s Minimum Safe Manning Certificate as to the minimum crew required to remain on board until the vessel is sold so that the Club can at least take steps to repatriate the excess crew and they are waiting to hear further news from the Coast Guard.
In a parallel effort to explore other possible ways to expedite crew repatriation, the Club is in contact with the South Carolina State Ports Authority and others locally to explore potential options for shifting the vessel to a lay berth, pending its sale, in which case it is hoped that the Coast Guard will allow repatriation of all the crew.

Autre (29 mai 2020)
19 officers and crew requested Liberian flag Authorities to order the London P&I to pay them all pending wages and to repatriate them immediately because MV Evolution has been sold at auction and transfered to new owner.

Gouv. de Philippines (3 juin 2020)
The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) of Republic of the Philippines informed that it has requested their Department of Foreign Affairs to bring the concern to the Government of Liberia and communicated this matter to the International London P&I Clubs with a request for updates on the payment of wages and repatriation of the seafarers.

Dernière mise à jour: mardi - 30 juin 2020 a 14:00:20^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale