Abandonment ID: | 00426 |
Nom du navire: | Ilios[resolved] |
Pavillon: | Libéria |
No. OMI (7 chiffres): | 9330226 |
Port d'abandon: | Crisiobal (anchorage), Panama |
Date d'abandon: | 28 février 2020 |
Date de notification: | 11 mars 2020 |
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante: | Gouv. de Libéria |
Nombre de marins: | 21 |
Nationalités: | Philippines(10); Russie, Fédération de(2); Ukraine(9) |
Circonstances: | Insurance: North of England P&I (20/2/2020 - 20/2/2021)
Some seafarers remain on the board the vessel. Some seafarers were repartiated but has not received their final balance of wages. |
Actions entreprises: | 28 février 2020: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé Upon receipt of the notification from seafarers about non payment of wages for more than 3 months, on 28 Feburary 2020, the Liberian Administaration communicated to the shipowner to rectify the issue and notified P&I club about the issue.
29 février 2020: Autres The Liberian Administartion arranged the attendance of a flag state inspector who boarded the ship to inspect the working and living conditions of the seafarers. They notified P&I club and the shipowner of the inspection findings confirming non payment of the wages from November 2019.
Situation concernant le rapatriement: | 19 février 2020: Rapatriés 6 crew members were repatriated without receiving their final wages.
Paiement des salaires: | 30 février 2020: En attente de paiement USD 215,177 for European crew and USD 53,866 for Filipino crew to the end of February 2020.
1 septembre 2020: Réglé THe Liberian Flag Administration communicated with shipowner to follow up and received the requested evidence of payment of wages.
Commentaires et observations: | Gouv. de Panama (20 mars 2020) In attention to your email regarding m/v ILIOS, we must indicate that our procedure specifies that performing a Port State Control, however, due to the health alert that exists in Panama and worldwide for the Coronavirus, inspections in Panama are temporarily suspended. We will remain pending the case until we can carry out the Port State Control.