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Abandonment ID: 00415
Nom du navire:MV DARSHANI PREM[disputed]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9471824
Port d'abandon:Kakinada, India
Date d'abandon:août 2019
Date de notification:3 décembre 2019
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Organisation non-gouvernmentale (ISWAN)
Nombre de marins:15
Circonstances:Unpaid wages and poor condition.
Unseaworthy vessel
Actions entreprises:1 février 2022: Autres
The Company "Ind-Aust Maritime Pvt. Ltd" was "Technical Manager" of the vessel from 01st April 2009 to 6th May 2014.

Thereafter, on 6th April 2014, the vessel was handed over to the Owners "Mercator Limited". Also, for the entire period when "Ind-Aust Maritime Pvt. Ltd" was "Technical Manager" of the vessel, the Crew Mangers were the owners "Mercator Limited".

Situation concernant le rapatriement:Rapatriés
Crew have been repatriated.
Commentaires et observations:Organisation non-gouvernmentale (9 mars 2021)
Crew have been repatriated but they have still not received their wages. Matter is still in court in India.

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (10 juin 2021)
No development regarding payment of pending wages. Case is pending with High Court in Andhra Pradesh.

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (21 décembre 2021)
No development regarding payment of pending wages. Based on communicaiton with seafarer on 9th December, vessel was sold during auction by court order last month.

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (10 mars 2022)
ISWAN stated that:
We are hearing the name of the company Ind- Aus Maritime Pvt Ltd through below mail and had no clue that they were managers before. We had only reported the attached abandonment form which do not have any details of owners mentioned in it and only collects and share information shared by the crew with us. We were informed by the crew that Mercator lines were the manager at time of abandonment and Indian maritime unions were also involved in follow up with the company-Mercator Lines.

Therefore, am afraid, I do not have any information regarding Ind-Aus Maritime Pvt Ltd.

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (20 avril 2022)
Matter is in court. Based on communicaiton with seafarer on 23rd March 2022, no development regarding payment of pending wages.

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (4 août 2022)
Based on communication with seafarer on 27th July 2022, there has been no development regarding payment of pending wages. Matter is still in court.

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (18 octobre 2022)
Based on communication with seafarer dated 29th September 2022, matter is still in court with no idea on how long will it take.

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (31 mars 2023)
Based on information shared by seafarer on 29th March 2023, vessel is sold long back and money is with court however still seafarers are waiting for the payment of pending wages.

Saisie: mardi - 9 mars 2021 a 18:30:56
Dernière mise à jour: vendredi - 31 mars 2023 a 13:26:45
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale