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Blue Cat[resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00400
Nom du navire:Blue Cat[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9467873
Port d'abandon:Thessaloniki, Greece
Date de notification:21 février 2019
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Gouv. de Libéria
Nombre de marins:24
Nationalités:Géorgie; Grèce; Philippines
Circonstances:During a special MLC Inspection at Thessaloniki on 2/21/2019, the flag Inspector discovered delay of wage payments and allotments. It became apparent that it was the Company’s practice to pay the crew every two months, as opposed to monthly intervals pursuant to MLC 2006.
Actions entreprises:21 février 2019: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé

22 février 2019: Autres
On 2/22/2019, the Liberian Administration advised the vessel’s operator of the inspector’s findings. On 3/4/2019, the operator advised that the vessel was experiencing “commercial issues, PSC verification on board will be effected once said issues are settled on about 3/22…” On 3/21, the Mission of Seafarers informed the Administration that certain seafarers had complained that they had not been paid since December 2018. On 3/27, the vessel’s operator provided documentation that the crew had in fact been paid and that the owner was in negotiations with the Mortgagee Bank for sale of the vessel. On 3/31, another flag Inspector boarded the vessel to conduct an additional MLC audit and found that the crew were still owed wages, were not being at monthly intervals, and wanted to leave the vessel.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:1 mai 2019: Rapatriés
On 5/1/2019, London P&I advised the Liberian Administration that the crew of the BLUE CAT had been successfully repatriated.
Paiement des salaires:17 mai 2019: Réglé
Wages paid as of 5/17/2019. A credit note was provided by P&I club as evidence of payment of wages.

Dernière mise à jour: vendredi - 20 décembre 2019 a 15:30:18^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale