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Grand I[disputed]


Abandonment ID: 00376
Nom du navire:Grand I[disputed]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):7902922
Port d'abandon:Nigeria
Date de notification:4 janvier 2019
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:International Chamber of Shipping (ISWAN)
Nombre de marins:3
Circonstances:Mt Grand 1 has been abandoned and was arrested by the Nigerian High Court on 27/02/2017 following a petition by debtors and the crew had not been paid. The living and working conditions on the ship are appalling. Chetanveer Singh has not been paid for 23 months; the other two seafarers haven’t been paid for 14 months. The rest of the crew left when their wages stopped being paid. None of the three seafarers are members of a trade union but they did manage to find a “pro bono” lawyer who is taking their case for unpaid wages. They survived because they have been given food by the Nigerian security people who are guarding the vessel. They can’t afford to go home without their salaries. It is expected that court case be sorted out in the next 3 months, but in the meantime the seafarers are in dire need of food, clean drinking water, toiletries, kerosene and other basic needs
Actions entreprises:27 février 2017: Navire arrêté par l'Etat du Port
Situation concernant le rapatriement:Rapatriés
Commentaires et observations:Autre (10 juin 2021)
Seafarer was repatriated back to his country on the 18th of Feb. 2020.

Saisie: jeudi - 5 mars 2020 a 09:55:16
Dernière mise à jour: lundi - 14 juin 2021 a 20:22:25
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale