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Abandonment ID: 00369
Nom du navire:Abdallah[resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):8112823
Port d'abandon:Sharjah OPL anchorage
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Autre (ISWAN)
Nombre de marins:1
Circonstances:Management issues/ abandoned by owner
Situation concernant le rapatriement:5 avril 2019: Rapatriés
the abandoned crew on board the ‘MV ABDALLAH’ (IMO Number 8112823) in the UAE has been paid off and dismissed from the ship safely. The Flag State has received documentary evidence for their payments by the owner.
Paiement des salaires:Réglé
Their wages have been settled.

Commentaires et observations:OIT/OMI (29 janvier 2019)
Dear Mr. Themelaros and Dear Mr. Mohamed Al Kaabi,

First of all I would like to thank Mr. Themelaros for the update regarding the abandoned crew on board the ‘MV ABDALLAH’ (IMO Number 8112823) in the UAE and in particular for the information that the new owner (‘’GTECH GENERAL SERVICES’’), who registered under the Palauan flag, made an agreement with the ship's previous owning company that they will not deliver the vessel before the crew outstanding wages are finally arranged. I also understand from the attached information that the previous owner is responsible for abandoning the crew who also had the "M/V ABDALLAH" registered under the flag of UAE.

I have duly noted this information which will be recorded in the joint IMO/ILO Database of Abandonment of Seafarers and I, once again, look forward to receive a confirmation once this case will hopefully now soon be resolved.

Meanwhile I also still look forward for further information from Mr. Mohamed Al Kaabi as I asked in my previous message on not only the case of the ‘MV ABDALLAH’ (IMO Number 8112823) but also regarding the other 5 vessels abandoned and registered in the UAE: ‘AZRAQMOIAH’ (IMO Number 9619763, Flag: UAE); ‘TAMIM ALDAR’ (IMO Number 9580388, Flag UAE); ‘MV AL NADER’ (IMO Number 7027502, Flag: UAE); ‘MT TAMIM’ (IMO Number 9531375, Flag: Unknown but reported as UAE); ABDULRAZAQ (IMO Number 9531351, Flag: UAE) - see also the attached report.

All these cases were already notified to the UAE on 7 December 2018 and although I sent a gentle reminder last week on 23 January 2019 to Mr. Mohamed Al Kaabi we have not heard any response from the UAE so far. Please note that the issue of abandoned seafarers is on the agenda of the IMO Legal Committee which will meet from 27-29 March 2019.

Therefore, I look forward to receiving the UAE comments regarding these entries in the IMO/ILO joint database at your earliest convenient.

Kind regards,

Jan de Boer
Senior Legal Officer
Legal Affairs Office
Legal Affairs and External Relations Division
e: | t: +44 (0)20 7587 3102 | w:

Gouv. de Palau (29 janvier 2019)
Dear Mr. Jan de Boer,

Regarding the case of "M/V ABDALLAH" and the pending payment of crew wages, we would like to advise you that the new owner (‘’GTECH GENERAL SERVICES’’), who raised the Palauan flag to the vessel made an agreement with the ship's previous owning company that they will not deliver the vessel before the crew outstandings wages are finally arranged.
Therefore, as the last owning company, who are responsible for abandoning the crew, had the "M/V ABDALLAH" registered in and raised the flag of U.A.E., we are not able to get involved.

Hopefully, in a few days the issue will be finished (see attached letter from the new owner). In any case we are constantly in touch with the new owners and as soon as there is any progress, this will be immediately communicated to your office...

Sincere Regards

Vice Admiral HCG (rtd) Nikolaos A. Themelaros
Human Element

Organisation non-gouvernmentale (5 mars 2021)
Crew have been repatriated in April 2019. Their wages have been settled. The case is resolved.

Saisie: vendredi - 5 mars 2021 a 16:40:15
Dernière mise à jour: mercredi - 10 mars 2021 a 07:53:16
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale