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[Valor - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00306
Nom du navire:[Valor - resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9031492
Port d'abandon:Lagos, Nigeria
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Gouv. de Pakistan
Nombre de marins:18
Circonstances:The vessel was stranded near Lagos Nigeria. Reportedly Seafarers are in extreme difficult conditions and facing shortage of food, water, fuel and their wages are also not paid.
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Pakistan (17 juillet 2017)
Mr. Jan de Boer
Senior Legal Officer
Legal Affairs Office,
Legal Affairs and External Relations Division

International Maritime Organization

Dear Sir,

I thank you very much for helping seafarers and your E-mail to regarding information on the subject. In this connection you are informed that as per reports 18 Pakistani and other seafarers engaged on the vessel MT. VALOR are stranded near Lagos Nigeria. Reportedly Seafarers are in extreme difficult conditions and facing shortage of food, water, fuel and their wages are also not paid.
The Vessel details as provided by the local manning agent are as below,
IMO No: 9031492
Owner: M/s Val Oil Trading S.A 124 Vouliaments Avenue Gilfada 16674 Greece

It will be highly appreciated if the above matter is taken up with the Flag state and the owners of the above vessel to resolve the crew grievances earliest.

Best Regards,
Masood Ahmad
Shipping Master
Ministry of Ports & Shipping
Government.of Pakistan.

Gouv. de Panama (3 octobre 2017)
From: labormar []
Sent: 03 October 2017 15:29
To: Katie Higginbottom ; Maritime ; Eduardo Fonseca Ward ;; Moises De Gracia ; Jan de Boer
Subject: m/v VALOR, IMO 9031492

Dear All.

Regarding the case of the Crew of m/v VALOR, IMO 9031492, we comply to inform you that we have received communication and evidence from the Captain of the vessel in which we informed that all the crew has received all the owed wages.

Therefore, we proceeded to close the complaint and lift the restriction imposed on the vessel.


Mrs. Maria Inmaculada Moreno.
Deputy Chief
Maritime Labour Affairs Department
General Directorate of Seafarers
Panama Maritime Authority
Phone: (507) 501-5066 |

Gouv. de Pakistan (23 octobre 2017)
From: []
Sent: lundi 23 octobre 2017 11:03
To: Noh, Jinhak
Subject: Re: To update the Valor case

Dear Sir,

Reference your e-mail on the subject it is to inform you that the concerned manning agency M/s Quality Shipping Company has now informed that salaries of all the Pakistani crew engaged on MT. Valor have been paid. As the case is resolved the ILO / IMO database may please be updated accordingly.
On behalf of the Government Of Pakistan I remain thankful to you and all others concerned at ILO / IMO for the immediate attention and the valuable help extended in the matter.

Best Regards,
Masood Ahmad
Shipping Master
Ministry of Ports & Shipping
Govt.of Pakistan.
Tel : +92-21-99263011

Dernière mise à jour: lundi - 23 octobre 2017 a 11:13:15^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale