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[Cassiopeia - resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00203
Nom du navire:[Cassiopeia - resolved]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):8104577
Port d'abandon:Savona / Italy
Date d'abandon:1 avril 2013
Date de notification:1 novembre 2013
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:7
Nationalités:Russie, Fédération de(2); Ukraine(5)
Circonstances:Debts to the crews and others (agent, freight forwarder, etc.)
Actions entreprises:Autres
Vessel was arrested by the seafarers through a lawyer.

L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
The official letter from the flag States(Commonwealth of Dominica) was received as of 11. Nov. 2013. In this leeter, the Office od Deputy Maritime Administrator of Dominica (DMA) indicated that "in the case of Cassiopeia, the vessel has been suspended, the Company has been fined which has been exacted as a maritime lien on the vessel under Commonwealth of Dominica Maritime Law, and the monetary amounts received may be used towards compensation to the seafarers for lost wages as a result of abandonment. Dominica Maritime Law affords seafarers the right to a minimum of 30 days lost wages in the event of abandonment (Dominica Maritime Act, as amended, Title 8, Section 197(2)".
Situation concernant le rapatriement:Rapatriés
All crews were repatriated at union(FIT-CISL)'s expenditure.
Paiement des salaires:En attente de paiement
Around 45,000 USD pending.
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (16 décembre 2016)
Crew repatriated, outcome of legal case unknown

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (18 janvier 2017)
the case resolved

From: Katie Higginbottom []
Sent: 18 January 2017 09:50
To: Noh, Jinhak (
Cc: Wagner, Brandt; Natalie Shaw; Jan de Boer (
Subject: FW: Abandonment database

Dear Jinhak
I’ve received a further update from our Ukrainian inspector. From this we can consider the cases of Clare IMO: 7390014 and Cassiopeia IMO: 8104577 resolved. Boushkin now looks a bit more ambiguous but I don’t think we should change anything at this stage. I leave it to you whether you want to add details to the comments or not.
Best, Katie

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
It's close to open the sale procedure through the Savona court.

Saisie: mercredi - 18 janvier 2017 a 11:45:17
Dernière mise à jour: mercredi - 18 janvier 2017 a 11:46:30
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale