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[Oriental Queen 6 - Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00189
Nom du navire:[Oriental Queen 6 - Inactive]
No. OMI (7 chiffres):8202044
Port d'abandon:Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Date d'abandon:23 novembre 2012
Date de notification:17 janvier 2013
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:23
Nationalités:République arabe syrienne
Circonstances:Seafarers unpaid for 11-13 months, local charitable organisations providing food and water. Charters are endeavoring to find a solution for crew along with delivery of cargo, but vessel unseaworthy and owner has cut all contact with the vessel. Representatives of the charterer are also in touch with the flag States. Representatives were granted a court order against the owners in Jan. 16, 2013, which will expedite the vessel to move and the crew to go home.
Actions entreprises:Autres
Charterer is keenly willing to broker a solution, and was granted a court order against the owner of the ship.

L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Represenatives of the charterer are in contact with the flag State.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:En attente de rapatriement
Paiement des salaires:En attente de paiement
US $ 360,000 approx.

Dernière mise à jour: jeudi - 19 janvier 2017 a 11:19:53^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale