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[Maurits Tuna - Inactive]


Abandonment ID: 00153
Nom du navire:[Maurits Tuna - Inactive]
Port d'abandon:Port Louise, Mauritius
Date d'abandon:21 septembre 2009
Date de notification:25 avril 2010
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Autre (Seafarers' Assistance Program(SAP))
Nombre de marins:18
Circonstances:18 crew members of Mauritius flagged F V Maurits Tuna are abandoned at port Louise by the ship owner since August last year.
We are informed that the ship developed mechanical problems 9 months ago during fishing campaign in the Indian Ocean.
There is a big shortage of fresh water and ship stores.
Some crew members have stated their desire to go home by paying their own transport but they can not do that before the ship owner pays their outstanding wages.
The ill-fated fishing boat is formally managed by RANFIN FISHERIES Company. The Director of this company is a Mr. Raj Sunt of Mauritius while the ship owner is a UK based Mauritius business man Mohammad Amman Sidick.
11 crew members are still on board.
Owners have stopped supplying provisions to the vessel, currently food is being provided by local Stella Maris.
Actions entreprises:19 juin 2010: Autres
Ongoing negotiations with the harbourmaster, shipping agency, Indonesian embassy and the A oS.
Situation concernant le rapatriement:19 juin 2010: En attente de rapatriement

28 juillet 2010: Rapatriés
The crew of the vessel,Maurits Tuna, was repatriated at the expense of the Indonesian Embassy, based in Nairobi.
Paiement des salaires:19 juin 2010: En attente de paiement
Nine months of unpaid wages.
Commentaires et observations:Gouv. de Maurice (17 août 2010)
The crew has given a power of attorney to the Embassy to bring legal action on their behalf for recovery of their outstanding wages and cost of repatriation.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (16 décembre 2016)
No information

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (15 mai 2017)
No further info available

Dernière mise à jour: lundi - 15 mai 2017 a 16:34:58^ top

En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale